bodhi seeds

I did that with the SSDD, got even frostier imho.

Positive results experienced in regards to resin head size and the overall ripeness of buds. Makes sense due to both stress and the plant's natural responses to darkness. At the very least, you should always harvest at the end of the 12 hours of darkness.

Gracias, amigos. I've got a stubborn A-Train that's went far beyond the expected 8 - 9 weeks of her 3 predecessors - 11 wks this past Tues - last plant in the tent for two weeks now. I've had it on 8 / 16 for 10 days trying to speed it along, and finally turned off the light [ for good ] yesterday, because it's getting chopped tomorrow regardless.

Places to go.......things to do......
Two days in the dark at the end? I've heard of that tactic, just never knew of anyone that practiced it. Benefits?
In the past I did some side by side comparisons. Basically revolves around the concept of positive stress similar to Ed Rosenthal's I place a nail at the base of the trunk to induce the plants to produce more resin. My little projects in the past suggested that what I continue to do works better in this order of plant genetic makeup....Indica dominant > hybrid > Sativa dominant.
I'd love to see someone do a side by side with clones and harvest them separately, one with the dark period and one without. And then do extreme macrophoto's and possibly even measure the trichome head size by doing a water sieve or dry sift.

It seems like such hokum to me. You really think the heads swell that much in 2 days magically in the dark after 60+ days of growing? How do you know they wouldn't have swelled that much if they were in light for the last 2 days? How do you know they swelled at all? People love to see what they want to see.

I can't imagine how incredibly difficult it is to eyeball the difference of say 90 micron and 120 micron sized head. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's impossible to do. Even with a 60-100x budscope that would be incredibly difficult.

Just my thoughts. Never seen a side by side or proper comparison, just like I've never seen a proper side by side comparison with UV.
Love it,out of them 4...she was the only one not in organic/probiotics

Love the information..

I'm glad to help. Powdery mildew is the worst, and a lot of the treatments that are available for it are not actually treating the mildew itself, which is systemic and lives inside the plant. Sprays and sulfur burners will work as both a preventative measure to stop it from spreading, and to reduce the appearance of it on the outside of the plants, but so far that one bacteria (which is fairly common in natural organic soil) has been the only thing I've found the will completely eradicate powdery mildew from infected plants.

That's part of the bummer of our chlorinated water system, many people who think they are gardening organically are actually getting the least possible benefit from the system. Not so much among the weed farmers, but I encounter it a lot with the hobby vegetable and herb gardeners here in Denver. They think they are gardening organically, but water constantly with chloraminated tap/hose water. Of course, it still beats drinking untreated water, giardia is not what we would consider a beneficial microbe.
I'd love to see someone do a side by side with clones and harvest them separately, one with the dark period and one without. And then do extreme macrophoto's and possibly even measure the trichome head size by doing a water sieve or dry sift.

It seems like such hokum to me. You really think the heads swell that much in 2 days magically in the dark after 60+ days of growing? How do you know they wouldn't have swelled that much if they were in light for the last 2 days? How do you know they swelled at all? People love to see what they want to see.

I can't imagine how incredibly difficult it is to eyeball the difference of say 90 micron and 120 micron sized head. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's impossible to do. Even with a 60-100x budscope that would be incredibly difficult.

Just my thoughts. Never seen a side by side or proper comparison, just like I've never seen a proper side by side comparison with UV.

I have a bunch of microscopes. Trich heads change their size more frequently than you would think.

<edit> well maybe not a bunch, but I do have three
I have a bunch of microscopes. Trich heads change their size more frequently than you would think.

<edit> well maybe not a bunch, but I do have three

What do you mean "change their size"?

have you ever actually measured them/sieved them or are you eyeballing them and just guessing that they grew bigger in 2 days?
What do you mean "change their size"?

have you ever actually measured them/sieved them or are you eyeballing them and just guessing that they grew bigger in 2 days?

Yes, I'm 'eyeballing' them by comparing them with my eyes on high res images captured from a 60x usb digital microscope.
If you want to argue with established fact, do it with someone else, this conversation is over.

You do realize that what you see are liquids secreted by glands, right? not some kind of permanent solid object born fully formed attached to the plant? Or do you really just not understand basic botany?
Established fact? haha good one.

Yes, since you were unaware, the complete biology of the cannabis plant, including the ways in which it responds to environmental stress, has been documented rather exhaustingly by botanists (*gasp* actual scientists, even!) in numerous books. I suggest you read one instead of wasting people's time on the internet, but to each their own.
Established fact? haha good one.

The study was done by Carlton Turner, he showed that potency varied based on the time of day a plant was harvested. Prolonged night cycles were not tested, people just use his research to assume that a even longer night cycle would lead to even more potency.

He was a Reagan drug czar and also claimed marijuana makes people gay and leads to AIDs, soooo... yea.

I've compared prolong night cycles on cuts of cheese and chocolate chunk. I didn't break out microscopes and play scientist, I packed them in a bowl and smoked one sample each day. I couldn't tell one from the other.
The study was done by Carlton Turner, he showed that potency varied based on the time of day a plant was harvested. Prolonged night cycles were not tested, people just use his research to assume that a even longer night cycle would lead to even more potency.

He was a Reagan drug czar and also claimed marijuana makes people gay and leads to AIDs, soooo... yea.

I've compared prolong night cycles on cuts of cheese and chocolate chunk. I didn't break out microscopes and play scientist, I packed them in a bowl and smoked one sample each day. I couldn't tell one from the other.

Cheers! :bigjoint:
Beautiful mother's milk.

PM shouldn't really be problem in for you in organics, but if you see it on other plants, I would recommend using some actinovate (organic) or other method of upping the streptomyces lydicus levels in your soil. PM is a major pain here in CO, and when I was growing hydro I would see it constantly enough to justify owning a sulfur burner. However, since going to organic / probiotic and using an AACT made with organic soil, earthworm compost, fish emulsion, and kelp meal I have not seen a single spot of it in almost a year.
THIS. It is all about having STRONG SLOW GROWING microbes dominate above your WEAK FAST GROWING microbes. PM is a little savage, hardly any muscle but it jumps on any open site and breeds like a mofo, going systemic etc. Molds can be prevented and reversed. A little bit of PM will bow down under a Lactobacillus spray. I make s spray down once every eight weeks or what part of the routine. Also not seen a mold in a long time, not since starting to use LactoB serum. A nicely treated probiotic system is solid as a rock. M4k at Gage uses Gro-Kashi and soaks it to make a foliar. Same results.
It must be strain specific, I've never noticed a difference when I tried it with Cheese and Chocolate Chunk.
I think plants look more frosty to people because HID for one doesn't show off frost that well, and also not seeing it for two days makes it look epic. Nature doesn't go dark for two days so the weed on planet earth can ripen. Tested the whole darkness theory myself and I find it to be BS.
IMO the green taste leaves the plant much faster. I've done this side by side with two black Russian clones. The one with the dark period cured to a sweet bubblegum flavor right after it was dried. The one without took several more weeks for the same flavor to shine through
IMO the green taste leaves the plant much faster. I've done this side by side with two black Russian clones. The one with the dark period cured to a sweet bubblegum flavor right after it was dried. The one without took several more weeks for the same flavor to shine through
Olfactory Fatigue perhaps?... I don't see how two dark days will make that difference to chlorophyll nor terpenes. The one you hit first will taste better... also perhaps a few other contributing factors?
That's an interesting point. Then again, nature doesn't provide even 12 / 12 days all year round, or have air pumps and LEDs out in the lands untouched by humans [ just a guess].

This the least enthused I've ever been about chopping down a plant.
It does however have living organic soil everywhere :P Hope you are well mate.
It does however have living organic soil everywhere :P Hope you are well mate.

I'm good. Just a bit restless. Don't let the smarm fool you - I'm mostly in agreement w/ your previous post - just noting that in an artificially created grow room, many of Ma Nature's techniques are, in fact, improved upon - light period being an easy example.
I'm good. Just a bit restless. Don't let the smarm fool you - I'm mostly in agreement w/ your previous post - just noting that in an artificially created grow room, many of Ma Nature's techniques are, in fact, improved upon - light period being an easy example.
Lol yeah... my time zone being way ahead of yours I was just too loose in the head for the simple 'touche' muahahahaha. I guess 'nature' doesn't reeeeaaaalllllyyy count under HID... plus I have long held the opinion cannabis has adapted to our most unnatural circumstances anyhow. Each idea holds merit in the end until irrevocably refuted. I am going to continue swimming against the stream for the exercise though and continue arguing 'placebo effect' on the darkness thing...
I'm good. Just a bit restless. Don't let the smarm fool you - I'm mostly in agreement w/ your previous post - just noting that in an artificially created grow room, many of Ma Nature's techniques are, in fact, improved upon - light period being an easy example.
You think so? I've seen plants react much better with nature controlling the days of light. Super long days of summer followed by the days getting shorter, and losing up to 4 minutes a day during fall seems to kick the budding into a whole new level that a simple 12/13 cannot replicate.

Northern California climate or the famous Humboldt area are far supieror than a climate controlled grow room. We can try and replicate but the sun is the ultimate grow light.