bodhi seeds

Ty for the reply big D. I love the texture on the Reflectix and it appears quite resilient. Well inspection friendly is something I would never have thought of since I have not worried about that for a very long time now . When I get another light meter because mine is shot I would like to test the par readings off the reflection.

hehehe big D. :lol:

Cheers glad to be of any help if I ever can! Let me know once you do the tests. I'd be curious to know.


Cherry Mountains lookin killer GG! What's the lineage on that one?
I can't deal with the munchies from this Dank Zappa. The appetite stimulation I'm getting is absolutely insane. HIGHLY recommended for anyone who NEEEEEEEDDS to eat more. Like chemo patient or anorexia or severe depression. I feel like this strain has great medical value.

been dabbin on the DZ rosin for a few days now and I'm just at war with the munchies over here.
Try less sugars and carbs while toking it... No white bread or biscuits or burgers lol... Trust me it is your body and the herb together sending you a message
Try less sugars and carbs while toking it... No white bread or biscuits or burgers lol... Trust me it is your body and the herb together sending you a message

I eat an insanely strict diet already. No burgers, no white bread, no soda. I'm a mystic man. :D Well I'm guilty of stealing sips of the wifes soda if it's caffeine and color free. 100% plant based diet, very little carbs in the form of rice and grains. Almost no wheat. No palm oil or palm oil byproducts. No caffeine. Very little sugar. Basically just hemp seeds and vegetables lol.

Wish I could kick the sugar fully but this shit is dope for real!

I'm 100% sure it's the strain's effect on me. The A35 doesn't do it to me. Professor P's CCK doesn't do it to me. Gu's Bubba x Monster cookies doesn't do it to me. but when I puff the Dank Zappa I'm trying to raid the fridge and cupboards every 15 minutes even though I know there's no munchies in there. Unless I give in and go to the grocery to grab some shitty vegan quinoa cookies lol.

I man don't
No I don't...................
i love to make quinoa cakes : little egg, fine mirpoix, touch of crumb to tighten the cakes.

like hockey puck size.

then bread them (egg wash, flour, crumb) ...we call it the "double dip" process.

fry or sautee.

on top of the cake..... a crab cake.
on top of that... poached egg !

little buerre blanc (white wine butter sauce)...

ow yes.

on a bed of wilted spinach.

afterward, 3g & a dutchmaster !
im so sorry to hear bro.
& it sounds like you're sensitive to those ingredients.

i do the desserts, breads, dinner fabrication, & dinner production for a french bistro... french trained people do it all.

was sitting here like : ew quinoa cookie ! LOL !
gonna look up a few of those cookie recipes now.
cool. even for staff lunch. those savages will eat anything.
I abused my digestive system in the past. Simply eating too much, too often and all the wrong foods. To the point my body started to reject everything. Inflammation and bleeding.

Cannabis seeds are my fucking savior. Without them I would be wasting away for sure. Great source of protein and efa's and more.
Wish I could kick the sugar fully but this shit is dope for real!

Ever replaced it with honey? The fructose and glucose aren't bound together so it's easier for your body to process.

haha I just call the quinoa cookies shitty because they don't compare to the finest pastries and baked goods but they are actually quite delicious considering the bland diet.

Almond cookies are amazing. I stick to a paleo diet with a little cheat every now and again (tacos, who can resist tacos?! Yeah I'll make them out of lettuce but there's just this one taco truck...).

Good to know about the Dank Zappa and A35. :D
Ever replaced it with honey? The fructose and glucose aren't bound together so it's easier for your body to process.

Almond cookies are amazing. I stick to a paleo diet with a little cheat every now and again (tacos, who can resist tacos?! Yeah I'll make them out of lettuce but there's just this one taco truck...).

Good to know about the Dank Zappa and A35. :D

For sure I prefer natural whole foods over refined. Unpasteurized Honey or 100% pure maple.

Just anything sweet that hits my tongue makes shit fire off in my brain. Little neuro fireworks of pleasure haha.
in the city, i turned nearly ;-) all my old rezzies into hempy tubs.

rocking 230gal total & 5 buckets @ 5 gal also hempy.

love hydroton outside for top dress protection.
shit looks boss too. cant photo it cause i dont trust outside pics.

wanna grow all my own salad stuff, heirlooms only.
cucumbers though dont produce w/o pollen.
cant do them in major city doubtful imo.

get crack , police harassd, or find a toothless whore... easy peasy.

wonder if i can buy cuc pollen.
one year i got cucs that tasted like cantalope... i found out their pollen is interchangable.

didnt know that till i had the shit in the kitchen.
was like omg these things taste like crazy.

google truly is amazing for research.
I abused my digestive system in the past. Simply eating too much, too often and all the wrong foods. To the point my body started to reject everything. Inflammation and bleeding.

Cannabis seeds are my fucking savior. Without them I would be wasting away for sure. Great source of protein and efa's and more.
I had a similar experience, working like 70+ hours at my job a week and homelife being extremely busy i only had time for 4-5 hours sleep each night and eating tastey cakes for breakfast and taco bell for lunch was a recipe for total shutdown after like 6 consecutive weeks. Back to mango and berry smoothies and a mostly paleo oriented diet as well as i can afford has me feeling a lot better. Energy drinks played a major role in the shutdown i imagine too. Amazing how much damage you can do so quickly stressing your body like that.
So seems like the 88 papa is the new flavor of the week. Anyone have more information?

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Yeah I think I need some more cowbell in my life. So I grabbed a pack of the dank sinatra and more cowbell. Just gotta send em the money and a copy of my id. I already have the copy just been slacking on sending it to them. But woth this dank sinatra drop kinda motivates me lol. Glad I didnt wait tll the morning because I see dank sonatra is already gone, was 5 packs left whrn I snagged mine.