Just did some reading up on the Pure Kush Suge and dayum. Lots of praise about this one. Same with the Stardawg Guava. Anyone ever smoked either of these in their pure form? Both of these are unheard of where I live(as is everything else cool). I was originally planning on hitting these with C99 pollen but I think I'm going to have to f2 these instead. I think f2 is the closest I'll ever get to the real deal.
Just separating the plants to make sure pollen doesn't mix is a beyatch and working with 3 kinds of pollen doesn't sound fun for my limited space.. I was so paranoid last time I literally emptied a room in the house and wiped down every surface with a wet rag and sprayed myself with water and misted the air as I entered and exited the room after collecting the pollen from each strain. Am I being over paranoid? Them spores go *POOF* and just spread through the air in every direction.
also I let B pick what he would send me instead of giving my choices, both this time and last time. Last time it worked in my favor bigtime as I would have never picked the A35 and I absolutely LOVE IT. I'm starting to feel I might have got some great picks again. But then again I think almost everything would be pretty great.
next run I promise I will do the Dream Beavers and Jabba's Stash. I purchased those 2 so never felt the need to run them immediately.