bodhi seeds

Speaking for myself, I chose the v2 over the 8 because I already have the 8. As a matter of fact, I have one of the 8's running right now, and she is a frosty beauty with great structure... and huge serrated, sawtooth leaves. She's a real looker and probably amazing smoke.

But, basically, I chose the v2 because the 8 is so bad ass... if that makes any sense...
Love to hear your final thoughts on it.
Looking for advice on picking a Bodhi strain from options on jbcseeds site.
My criteria is the following...number 1 being most important.
1. Low smell (not running a filter)
2. Potent, high quality. Resinous
3. Approx 60 day finisher.

Thanks for the help.
I grew a Cherry queen (OMG dad) that sits in its own jar away from the others as it is the only stuff that is strong enough to “scare” me, it’s very serious and strong. That makes it sound bad but it’s very good. Spirit cleansing introspective mind journey high. Not a casual smoke.

Also 6 month+ Cured Lucky Wookie 8 sweet onion pheno is becoming my current favourite. There are a lot of phenos but it is definitely worth popping a pack if you have one laying around. Not pretty but unique and great fuzzy blanket positive vibrations high.
Definetly an interesting smell off that pheno. Believe I have the same one . Seems like it got better for me once I ran clones as it really is taking off in the room with serious vigor
Here’s mine @zeeman. I need to start buying the new stuff. Here’s my collection so far.

Angels Milk 2
Appalachian Thunder Fuck 3
Apollo 11 Genius f3
Blockhead BX
Blueberry Hill 3
Buddha’s Hand 5
Cali Yo
Cocoon 2
Cougars Milk 4
Dank Sinatra 3
Dank Zappa 2
Deep Line Alchemy #2
Dirty Hashplant
Dirty Sanchez
Dream Lotus 3
Drunken Unicorn
Electric Cowboy
Elf Snack
Fantasy Island
Flying Tiger
GG4 x Apollo 11 Genius 2
Goji OG
Goji OG x SSDD
Golden Road
Golden Triangle
Gooey Medicine 2
Good Medicine
Good Medicine x 88G13HP
Greedo’s Stash 3
Head Trip 2
Heavenly Hashplant 2
Lando’s Stash
Lemon Zinger
Lions Milk 2
Lotus Larry
Love Triangle 2
Lucky Wookie v1
Orange Sunshine
Secret Chief 2
Snow Leopard 2
Snow Queen
Space Cake
Super Silver Strawberry Lotus 4
Snow Queen
SoCal Master x Uzbekistani HP
Sorcerers Apprentice
Sunshine Daydream 3
Tigers Milk
Tranquil Elephantizer
Tranquil Elephantizer Remix 3
The Fuzz 2
Wolf Pack 3
That's all ya got!?!? LOL. WOW bro. Nice collection indeed.
im a litle jelly of that neroli 91 then again im always jelly when i see skunkVA chem 91 cross i never tried especially with bodhi in the mix, i can't wait to run my chem 91 x dragonsblood(from useful). praying for a chemmy bleeder. love to hear how that neroli turns out,
btw right on with the joey diaz avatar!!!
Ya, that chem line is real fucking drugs from what I’ve gathered, I’m real interested in the clusterfunk too even though it’s not the skunkva chem dog. I’m pretty sure the neroli 91 is still available on headie gardens site if your looking.

Hey JP can you explain what I’m looking at in these photos? What is the deal with these plants trunks? Is this some shenanigans with how you are transplanting? Are those SIPs? Explain yourself. Always interesting to see grow styles.
Definetly an interesting smell off that pheno. Believe I have the same one . Seems like it got better for me once I ran clones as it really is taking off in the room with serious vigor

I’ve still got some seeds of it and may have another go as the long term quality is there and it grew well outside for me. Let me know if you figure out anything specific as it was a bit of a weird grower, very light green but not necessarily hungry, but maybe could be pushed further. I’m Organic so it’s all gentle direction anyway.
Hey JP can you explain what I’m looking at in these photos? What is the deal with these plants trunks? Is this some shenanigans with how you are transplanting? Are those SIPs? Explain yourself. Always interesting to see grow styles.

Long story short... They are hempys sitting on SIPs. Had a cold issue earlier in the year that killed everything. Ended up replacing my original batch with hempys. The SIPs are 30 gal of soil so a total bitch to move. I just put the hempys on top for space reasons.
Can somebody please post one of their ridiculously long fridge lists so that I can feel better about my bodhi buying addiction? Couldn’t resist the space cowboy, heavenly hashplant freebie combo! Happy growing everyone!!!

89 Sensi Seeds NL5 noof x BCSC NL5
89 Sensi Seeds NL5 noof x Malawi Gold
Apollo 11 f3
Apollo 13 x Apollo 11
Apollo 13 x Snow Lotus
Appalachian Super Skunk
Barefoot Doctor
Big Sur Holy Bud
Bingo Pajamas
Black Raspberry
Black Lotus
Black Triangle
Blockhead BX
Blueberry Hill
Blue Lotus
Blue Sunshine
Cali Yo
Chem 91 JB x Snow Lotus
Cherry Hashplant
Chocolate Trip f2
Cluster Funk
Cobra Lips
Dank Sanatra
Dirty Hashplant
Dragons Blood Hashplant f4
Drunken Unicorn
Fantasy Island
Field Trip
GG4 x Apollo 11
Goji OG
Goji OG b cut x SSDD
Golden Road
Good Medicine
Gooey Meds
Guava Hashplant
Hindu Hashplant
Jabbas Stash
Jungle Spice
LA Wookie
Landos Stash
Lazy lightning
Lemon Penetration
Lions Milk
Little Blessings 2
Love Triangle
Mothers Milk
Nepali OG x Good Medicine
Orange Sunshine
Phone Home
Pink Lotus
Prayer Tower Sativa
Pure Kush Suge x Uzbekistani Hashplant
Purple Lotus
Purple Wookie
Secret Chief
Silver Mountain
Snow Queen
Snow Temple
Snow Wookie
Solos Stash
Sour Butter x 88G13HP
Sour Diesel Mix Pack
Space Cake
Space Nectar
Space Monkey
Star Flight Guava
Strange Brew
Strawberry Blockhead x Aruba
Sunshine 4
Sunshine Daydream
Super Silver Haze x White Gold BX1
Super Silver Yo Mama
Super Snow Lotus
Thai Shine x Snow Lotus
The Fuzz
Tiger Mountain
White Lotus
White Sunshine
Wookie Hashplant

End Bodhi list

Edit: Blue Lotus was out of order
Edit 2: Spelling thanks auto correct but its not head ship and Landis Stash
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Wow you guys are like me, really addicted to adding to the seed collection, lol. I know it's a long shot, but if anyone passing through this thread has a pack of lucky charms .... I will make it well worth it to you if I can get the pack outta the deal. I've been looking for a couple years now. Some of my favorite smoke, like ever.
Wow you guys are like me, really addicted to adding to the seed collection, lol. I know it's a long shot, but if anyone passing through this thread has a pack of lucky charms .... I will make it well worth it to you if I can get the pack outta the deal. I've been looking for a couple years now. Some of my favorite smoke, like ever.

Someone around here has Lucky Charms f2s and I think Torontoke had f3s.

Good hunting.