Looks like Magenta Hashplant, Magic Carpet, and Terpenado will touch down at home base today! I've been popping a bunch of seeds lately, but I think I can find some room for at least one Magenta Hashplant...
Vietnamese x Columbian x Afhgani F2 and Zweet Inzanity (non-Bodhi) x Raspberry Hashplant are off-and-running, as well as the Pleidian Love Nest crosses from Mr. Childs: PLN F2, Silver Mountain x PLN, CC GSC x PLN. In addition to six Bodhi seedlings, a late-summer seed-making run in planning, and a traffic jam in flowering, I know I shouldn't pop Magenta Hashplant right now, but I can make this work lol. I'll just smoke more and then I can do it. haha