Made a right cock up (well 4 cock up's to tell the truth).
My seeds were 12 x SSDD - 12 x Lemon Hashplant V2 - 5 x Atonic x LBF (low thc, high cbd, I wasn't going to germinate these just give them to a mate).
1. I germinated what I thought were the 12 x SSDD which turned out I had made a mistake and were in fact the Hashplant, all 12 germinated and are now 4 days in flower still not showing sex.
2. First time with regular seeds, I should never have germinated all 12 as I don't have the space. All 12 plants were extremely vigorous and are as big as tree's.
3. Today I decided to germinate 6 x SSDD so put 6 seeds into a glass of water, then decided to make the same mistake twice and germinate all 12 as the seeds looked a bit old. Unfortunately I also tipped the 5 x Atonic x LBF (mainly CBD) into the same glass of water as the SSDD..... FFS. Tried to differentiate the 5 Atonics and separate them but who knows, seeds look very much alike floating around in a glass of water.
4. After 16 hours soak it looks like all 17 seeds are viable so I may have to grow all 17 seeds out. Hopefully the Atonics look different from The SSDD.
I don't know how I get through a full fecking day unaided

I am correct in thinking the SSDD would come packaged in a normal baggie with a sticker on and the Lemon Hashplant would come in a sealed foil type bag??? If not I don't know what the hell I have growing.
Moral of the story don't smoke weed or drink red wine whilst doing anything seed related.