Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

Well, what I said was a bit tongue in cheek, but I've been following this thread since it started and it's been fun, but I suggest you take your own advice and read the whole thing.
10 points to the original poster for having a sence of humour though.
You need to chill man, you are way too serious.:-o

Actually I have read most every post in the thread, not all but most. I laughed, I cried, I almost died.

Much has been deep and meaningful and poignant but the topic of the thread, that boiling roots in water will cause THC to travel up the plant from the roots into the buds, could only be believed by someone so obtuse that in comparison they would make my cat look like Steven Hawking on a ginkgo biloba drip.

As for your comment about my needing to chill, well basically that is what my ‘job’ is, to chill. I am retired and that is all I do.

You simply mistook an emotionless statement that simply flat out told it like it is with a dash of sarcasm throw in for entertainment’s sake to be the words of someone in need of Xanax or Valium when that was not at all the case.

That is not at all that uncommon though for many of those I run across in the various herb growing sites I frequent to do, it happens somewhat often.

I simply write it off as the person who makes such comments likely having to highly trained of a mind to be able to comprehend the pure crystal clear simplicity of what I write.

Possibly I need to read more Socrates, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Descartes, Locke, Leibnez, Kant, Hegel, Kierkeguaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Frege and Sartre so I will better be able to communicate with such people on their level rather than expecting that they will be capable of thinking down to my level.

That is an evident personal flaw I desperately need to work on.

P.S. Have you ever noticed that Peter O'Toole has a double phallic name?
i can put a end to this foolish thread here from high times jan 09 issue page 42

That is all well and good but those who firmly believe in myths are highly difficult to convince otherwise and to attempt to support and validate their beliefs they will attempt to do what W. C. Fields suggested to be the best way to deal with people. That is; "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull."

It is one's only defense when they find themselves holding an indefensible position.

Actually I have read most every post in the thread, not all but most. I laughed, I cried, I almost died.

Much has been deep and meaningful and poignant but the topic of the thread, that boiling roots in water will cause THC to travel up the plant from the roots into the buds, could only be believed by someone so obtuse that in comparison they would make my cat look like Steven Hawking on a ginkgo biloba drip.

As for your comment about my needing to chill, well basically that is what my ‘job’ is, to chill. I am retired and that is all I do.

You simply mistook an emotionless statement that simply flat out told it like it is with a dash of sarcasm throw in for entertainment’s sake to be the words of someone in need of Xanax or Valium when that was not at all the case.

That is not at all that uncommon though for many of those I run across in the various herb growing sites I frequent to do, it happens somewhat often.

I simply write it off as the person who makes such comments likely having to highly trained of a mind to be able to comprehend the pure crystal clear simplicity of what I write.

Possibly I need to read more Socrates, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Descartes, Locke, Leibnez, Kant, Hegel, Kierkeguaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Frege and Sartre so I will better be able to communicate with such people on their level rather than expecting that they will be capable of thinking down to my level.

That is an evident personal flaw I desperately need to work on.

P.S. Have you ever noticed that Peter O'Toole has a double phallic name?

I loled :-P
Actually I have read most every post in the thread, not all but most. I laughed, I cried, I almost died.

Much has been deep and meaningful and poignant but the topic of the thread, that boiling roots in water will cause THC to travel up the plant from the roots into the buds, could only be believed by someone so obtuse that in comparison they would make my cat look like Steven Hawking on a ginkgo biloba drip.

As for your comment about my needing to chill, well basically that is what my ‘job’ is, to chill. I am retired and that is all I do.

You simply mistook an emotionless statement that simply flat out told it like it is with a dash of sarcasm throw in for entertainment’s sake to be the words of someone in need of Xanax or Valium when that was not at all the case.

That is not at all that uncommon though for many of those I run across in the various herb growing sites I frequent to do, it happens somewhat often.

I simply write it off as the person who makes such comments likely having to highly trained of a mind to be able to comprehend the pure crystal clear simplicity of what I write.

Possibly I need to read more Socrates, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Descartes, Locke, Leibnez, Kant, Hegel, Kierkeguaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Frege and Sartre so I will better be able to communicate with such people on their level rather than expecting that they will be capable of thinking down to my level.

That is an evident personal flaw I desperately need to work on.

P.S. Have you ever noticed that Peter O'Toole has a double phallic name?
Wow, that is very profound.
Are you a writer by any chance?
If not then you should condider it.
Your words will absolutely go right over the head of 99.9% of people on this forum.
ps: I meant it as a compliment.:clap:
Wow, that is very profound.
Are you a writer by any chance?
If not then you should condider it.
Your words will absolutely go right over the head of 99.9% of people on this forum.
ps: I meant it as a compliment.:clap:

I am not a professional writer but I have taken a crack at it.

From the seventh grade all the way through college I was repeatedly told that I should become a writer. Usually the teacher or professor who was telling me that would add that I would need someone to correct my spelling errors and punctuation but that I had a gift for stringing words together. I just never felt that it was what I wanted to do. It wasn’t until the mid-90’s that I first felt the desire to write and once I began words just flowed from me and I ended up with two movie scripts.

I tried my best to get someone interested in them but no one would even read them. They just said they do not accept unsolicited material.

One did make it to the big screen even though it did not have my name on it and I never saw a dime from it. I was stupid and foolish and took no steps to protect it and after not being able to get anyone I wanted to be involved with bringing my work to the big screen I just tucked them both away and hoped that one day I would meet the right person and could then dust them off and give it a go.

I thought I found that big break when I began dating a woman whose ex-brother in law is a writer in Hollywood and has in part written several movies and was on teams of writers for a number of TV shows. She said she would get the two of us together and if he felt one or both were good he would help me and if he felt they needed work he would help with a rewrite and then help me to get them to someone.

Well the woman and I broke up and a short time later I found out from one of her friends that she had taken a leave of absence from her job and was of all things visiting her ex-brother in law.

A little over a year later one of my scripts was a movie, though in a somewhat rewritten form, but it was unmistakable that it was my work.

What was the real clincher was that the woman’s ex-brother in law was credited as being one of the writers of the movie and my old script was missing.

I didn’t have a legal leg to stand on, as I said I foolishly took no steps to protect either script, and when one was stolen and rewritten and used there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

I did speak to my ex-girlfriend about it once and she was very defensive and told me that if I ever accused her or her ex-brother in law or anyone else involved with the making of the film of stealing and using my script I would be sued back into the stone age so I never mention what movie it was in a public forum where anyone could ever find it and use it against me, though I have told individuals in private ways.

It was nominated for four awards and won one. None were Academy Award nominations or wins but it did win the Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Film award. It was nominated for the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA, the Golden Trailer Award and the Teen Choice Award.

Again though it was a re-write so while it was more than just evident it was my work it was not as if it was used just as I had written it. The story did not change but a fair bit of the dialogue was re-written so I cannot and will not claim that my work won anything or that it was not rough and crude and it did not need a fair bit of polishing by professionals.

It just would have been very nice to have been a part of the polishing and the making and to now have my name on something that will survive long after I am dust which was part of my motivation to write in the first place, to leave a mark on the world to let people know I once existed.

Since then I have had the other protected but I rather doubt I will ever bump into anyone else with their foot in the Hollywood door so I believe it will remain for the rest of my life in a folder in my desk drawer and never be anything more than an unfulfilled dream.

You know, alot of people on this thread have some really annoying tendencies, you contradict everyones opinion, claiming that roots produce thc, when they are clearly used to transport, food, water, and contain little to no thc, and all you people who are saying the roots do produce thc still have not given an expert explanation as to how the roots produce thc, or even why!!! Untill we receive some solid knowledge, quit contradicting everyones comment without an explanation!!! Fuck all the haters, have a nice day...
I Have read before the whole purpose of boiling the roots has nothing to do with thc, The whole purpose of imidiately boiling the roots after you take them out of the ground and please excuse my choice of words for iam still a newb and i was a even greater newb when i came across that article so dont criticize me im just putting in my 2 cents. The process of boiling the roots stresses the pores in the bud to close up only enabling water to exit through the leaves and stems therefor reducing chance of mold longating and producing a nice slow smoth dry ready for cure. IF this was to be so, now that i know more of what i knew then all i have to say is that the appeal of the bud is diminished due to how curing bud highly increases your buds apeal since after curing more resin glands tend to extract themselfs from the bud. But if bud appeal isint your greatest concern there you go:clap:
Its about fucking time someone answered that damn question, Thank you man, +rep to you newbie. Do you know exactly how long to boil the roots for??? Nothing like a newb giving a better explanation than a trash talking, wine ass expert...
I have no clue where i found the information, I was just contemplating growing when i stumbled across the info, i guess good i atleast remember. Hope someone finds this. It was not a forum, more like an article
So who here has actually boiled the roots on there plant??? Is this a regular process for you??? Excuse my questions and insults Im just still confused on if this is something I should do, because I never had before!!!
I Have read before the whole purpose of boiling the roots has nothing to do with thc, The whole purpose of imidiately boiling the roots after you take them out of the ground and please excuse my choice of words for iam still a newb and i was a even greater newb when i came across that article so dont criticize me im just putting in my 2 cents. The process of boiling the roots stresses the pores in the bud to close up only enabling water to exit through the leaves and stems therefor reducing chance of mold longating and producing a nice slow smoth dry ready for cure. IF this was to be so, now that i know more of what i knew then all i have to say is that the appeal of the bud is diminished due to how curing bud highly increases your buds apeal since after curing more resin glands tend to extract themselfs from the bud. But if bud appeal isint your greatest concern there you go:clap:

this is one of the best explanations, it is pretty similar to what my parents told me. thanks for this one.
So who here has actually boiled the roots on there plant??? Is this a regular process for you??? Excuse my questions and insults Im just still confused on if this is something I should do, because I never had before!!!

Well, I left a 5 gallon DWC out on back porch on a very hot day last summer. The sun was attracted by the black bucket and soon the water became really fucking hot and killed my plant.

Does that Qualify as boiling the roots????
this is one of the best explanations, it is pretty similar to what my parents told me. thanks for this one.

First, I can't believe this is still going, really?

Second, how was that a good explanation of anything. It was a vague recollection of an article written by who know's sometime in the past. This is sort of like believing in God, because someone claimed it, it must be true. Just because no one has explained it to you HOW or WHY it works isn't a reason for you not go spouting it off and acting as though it were factual. It's hearsay at best and completely unfounded thus far.

Defenders of the boiling (really?), please do an experiment, I would, but frankly it seems a waste of time completely.