Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

The big question baffling botanists is where did the first leaves come from??

It is the chicken and the egg all over again. How d you get a bird that comes from an egg without an egg and how do you get the egg without the bird?

How did annual plants begin to grown when they grow from seeds so without the first plants to create seeds where did the seeds come from and if the plants came first how did they grow without seeds to begin with? Were all plants originally perennials and then some became annuals? If so how did many of them survive the climate they were in during parts of the year? There had to be four seasons then just like now.

Evolution does not work fast enough for a newly evolved plant species to change to a seed producing plant species in one growing season so how did it all begin?

Maybe when there was only one super continent all forms of plant life were perennials living in equatorial regions where they did not have to contend with winter and over time some evolved to become annuals so their seeds would spread in various ways, by birds for one, and then they spread to other regions and as the super continent broke up and bits drifted off in different directions they carried with them the original seeds and then as they slowly moved and the climate slowly changed the plants adapted/evolved to the changing climate and eventually became what we know today.
You don't think that the harvest/manicuring is enough 'shock'??
The bright-side is you can't harm a damn thing atleast..
Growth processes do continue after cutting though.. Anybody whose ever put flowers in a vase knows that.. Plants (and cats) are funny in the sense that they can be both alive, and dead at the same time..:)
first off no no no. dont ever cut the damn buds off the plant . hang it up root and all and dont tuch a damn thing till the buds are dry . thc comes from the damn roots does anyone understand this???? if you cut branches off there is no reason to even hang the shit up. the reason of hanging a plant upside down for is to let all the thc fall out of the roots into the buds. make sense?????

there is no thc in thhe roots, stupid.
I lose 10 IQ points every time I open this thread. how is it still open?

The only explanation I can come up with for why this thread keeps going is many members here must be masochists.

Well maybe some are sadists and are in the thread because they enjoy torturing the masochists.
I am throwing away my crop but ooh man! bet those roots will make some great smoke if I can keep the thc there. muhahahaha
so he gave some wrong info.. he knows by now im sure just let it be.. they should just delete this forum its pointless
Na, it's not about him I hope he knows. It's just funny when your baked and getting ready for sleep to write down something that makes you chuckle. My appologies to the thread starter if he thinks so.
you know nothing about growing till you read this thread,
i like to give my plants a dressing gown and a hot water bottle gets em real cosey.