Bomb Seeds - Experiences?

I have done THC bomb indoors once and outdoors twice. The indoor setup was weak as it was the first time i had tried indoor growing under lights.
Outdoors i have done it in 10 gallon smart pots in a polytunnel using FFOF as my base but adding other dry matter to stop it from being too hot for the young plants.

If you are indoors the length of flowering is entirely up to you. You can harvest after 55-60 days but you will find that you will have a far greater percentage of clear trichs and hence you should get more of a high rather than a stone. I personally think that would be a waste as if you are patient and give it an extra 1-2 weeks (after all what is 2 weeks in the grand scheme) THC Bomb will develop a really intense stone that is well worth the wait.
Thanks mate I'll put it down as a 9/10 weeker so. Are you counting your dates from switch to 12/12 or first sign of flowers?

I'll be growing in 6 plants 15L (4 GALLON) autopots with an 8/2 split of coco/perlite. Hoping to get 4oz dry per plant, you think its do-able under 1 600w HPS with a 1m parabolic reflector?
IMAG1206.jpgBeen doing a cherry bomb perpetual since Apr very nice results had heat troubles towards Aug shut down my 400w veg space an flowered the rest still having heat troubles but is manageable just ordered berry bomb and ice bomb and a couple others should be good to go now fall is coming
I been dealing with heat too. Im at peak wattage usage and my room is always between 72-90 , ive seen it hit 95 before, not good but they take it and survive, it slows down growth a ton. Cant wait for summer to end only because my grow is taking the pain of the summer heat. I make sure I have lots of air movement. 20130829_210559.jpg
I had a week were temps hit 100 in there bout a month ago my last couple chops were down to 1 oz per plant down from over two is looking better now though gonna have to do an over haul of my space before next summer
Ive tried many new seed banks and BOMB SEEDS breeders r very good. banks like cali connection dont even test their own genetics and thats why there are so many hermies. I tried ice bomb first with great success. very nice og taste with a hint of vanilla.
Ive tried many new seed banks and BOMB SEEDS breeders r very good. banks like cali connection dont even test their own genetics and thats why there are so many hermies. I tried ice bomb first with great success. very nice og taste with a hint of vanilla.

Have you grown anything else? I really like the look of their cherry bomb, but haven't been able to find out much on it.
Boy did I hit the jack pot haha.i am planning next years garden and and leaning towards Bomb Seeds.well after reading all this I'm going with B.S. I am thinking about getting Hash Bomb(sposed to be very mold resistant),Berry Bomb(also somewhat mold resistant) and mabey Cherry Bomb. The main reason i did choose B.S.Is they were one of the only reports I read about Mould Resistant...I live up here in the Great Northwet(West) and mold is a huge issue.So Now should i get regular or feminised? I guess that I'm just being "thrifty" haha thinking about the regular seeds.and worrying that the femed ones might hermi..I kind of like the fact of being just untouched(regular ones) and even mabey having some "kids"...for years to come.With all the talk about modified thin and that folks would be taking advantage of doing it the old way.But alas.......Anyway what do you think? reg or fems? Red P.S. Is this seed thing for real?fact or fiction??Cannabis_F_or_M.jpg
Nah that is complete and total bullshizite. I have tested that theory and it doesn't even hold up. Matter of fact seed characteristics are different between strains such that some strains only produce round type seeds, some produce elongated seeds and yet others tend produce misshapen seeds. None of which has any bearing on what will come out of them. As far as the indention on the pistil side, it tends to be more pronounced based on how long the seeds were allowed to ripen on the living plant. The same goes for the the sheathing and thickness of the hull. At 10-15 bucks a piece it is not only suspect to be culling them based on appearance it is also bad economics. .02
That makes sence...I was hopeing that I could buy some regular seeds and sex them myself,but Nada...Oh well. So does anyone still use regular seeds? Thanks,Red
I personally prefer regular, seems like the prevailing attitude is that peeps like to not have the step of sexing them. I will never be convinced that there is no genetic interference caused by feminizing. The fact that there are hermaphroditic traits in the gene pool only proves that this heritable trait has muddied the waters. Flame on, lol
hmmm,Thank you.I feel the same way.I have heard that many times you can get way more than 50% females anyway. Is that true? Bummer the seed test was BS. that would have been nice...So i guess that i'll get the regular Hash Bomb and Berry Bomb and mabey even some Cherry I'll sure get bombed ha..I should look into how to selectively pollinate and have some seeds for next they make "puffers"or something to polinate with.?? anyway thanks again.sorry I'm just learning about "Likes" program so don't think i'm blowin anyone off by not Liking anything ..haha sorry Red
BTW welcome to RIU!
While I disagree with feminizing the gene pool in the modern sense, to be fair I also have tried some feminized freebies that were amazing individuals.

There are certain traits in a male that can predetermine the general gender disposition of their progeny, so yea it is true that you can breed in a tendency toward greater than 50% chance of female without "feminizing".

I recommend a q-tip and a spray bottle of water to control your limited pollination. It takes very little pollen to make many, many seeds and water kills the pollen.
So if you had one male plant way off from the girls you could do a "small pollination" on one female.Like "dust "just one or two branches of a female and get some seeds??....thanks for the info and the welcome Cowboy !!
I personally prefer regular, seems like the prevailing attitude is that peeps like to not have the step of sexing them. I will never be convinced that there is no genetic interference caused by feminizing. The fact that there are hermaphroditic traits in the gene pool only proves that this heritable trait has muddied the waters. Flame on, lol
No flame, and I also prefer regulars, but I simply do not believe the second part of this is is correct.

In nature every cannabis plant has hermaphroditic potential, as does just about every other dioecious plant. Wild hemp plants are typically hermaphroditic, and its certainly the case that most of the classic sativa landraces that have been bred for 100+ years (ie long before there was such a thing as commercial feminization) are also hermaphroditic. So its simply not possible that the advent of feminized beans in the last 15 years has introduced this trait into the gene pool; its always been there.

In general, the only way to create/maintain pure dioecious cannabis plants (ie no hermies whatever) is by prolonged strict selection to eliminate that trait whenever it appears. In my opinion, what's causing the prevalence of hermaphroditism in modern commercial strains is breeder laziness, period. So long as you have "breeders" who aren't running large plant counts for selection, and not ruthlessly killing every plant with any hermie issues you'll have hermie-prone lines.

BTW welcome to RIU!
While I disagree with feminizing the gene pool in the modern sense, to be fair I also have tried some feminized freebies that were amazing individuals.
While I certainly agree with the second part (that there are great feminized se-eds out there), I disagree with the first part.

By definition, the "gene pool" consists of all genes represented in a species. Unless you are literally going to kill every single genetically male cannabis plant on the planet (which is, bluntly impossible to do, even if you wanted to, since the plant is widely disseminated, and grows wild in remote areas) you CANNOT "feminize" its gene pool. It simply cannot be done.

If you're saying that you don't like the fact that the commercial market is flooded with feminized genetics, that's a different thing. While, like you, I strongly prefer regulars over feminized genetics, and while I also detest breeders who only put out feminized lines, my personal take on that is that contrary to the opinions of some, it really makes NO difference for the genetic continuation of the species whatsoever, nor even to the progression of modern breeding.

Since NORMALLY in nature, female cannabis plants make pollen and fertilize other female plants, its probably the case that every cannabis plant on the planet, at one point came from "feminized" genetics. There is certainly nothing intrinsically damaging to a plants genetics by this happening.

More to the point, no genetic material is being lost because some breeders are making fem se-eds, and plenty of GOOD breeders won't touch or release them. Consequently, there is still plenty of ongoing positive selection for excellent genetics (fem and non fem), and plenty of them available. I think the real issue here isn't proliferation of feminized beans in the commercial market; that only happens because the growing public demands them. The issue is the proliferation of poor breeders!

There are certain traits in a male that can predetermine the general gender disposition of their progeny, so yea it is true that you can breed in a tendency toward greater than 50% chance of female without "feminizing".
While I agree with you that its probably possible to do selective breeding that skews gender ratios in offspring, I think in practice, nobody is deliberately doing that sort of selection. Trying to create lines that put out 60-40 female/male ratios (for example) just isn't on any breeders radar screen, and in practice, actually doing that sort of selection would simply be beyond the ability of most breeders. Doing it would require either absolutely massive plant counts, or alternatively molecular techniques; both of which make it prohibitive.

Also, responding to another comment on this, assuming a perfect 50-50 gender ratio, just as a matter of pure dumb luck, you'd expect to see a greater than 50% female count in any random pack of beans more than 1/3 of the time. For example, if you were to grow out 100 packs of 10 beans, you'd NORMALLY expect to see about 37 packs that had 6 or more females. Fully 1 in 6 packs "should" give you seven or more females, meaning that seeing "skewed" gender ratios in packs actually SHOULD be a pretty common occurence.

That makes sence...I was hopeing that I could buy some regular seeds and sex them myself,but Nada...Oh well. So does anyone still use regular seeds? Thanks,Red
Agreeing with above, there is no reliable way to determine gender of a plant simply by looking at its ceed. Can't be done.

On reg vs fems, of course, plenty of people use and even prefer regular se-eds (myself included) and there are several breeders who ONLY offer regular se-eeds. So there are many lines that can only be obtained in regular form.

In my opinion, fem se-eds are legitimately good for people who can't start from clones, but need small plant counts outside, where waiting until plants declare gender can be problematic. They're also legitimately good for people who are so limited in space or legal counts that they can only grow a small number of plants.

The best use of feminized se-eds is for breeders wallets. The reason is that breeders typically ask and get twice as much money for fem vs regular se-eds. Since making the fem seeds takes the same length of time, space, and is really only very slightly more difficult than making regular se-eds, its basically just pure extra profit for the breeders. In fact, in some ways breeding with fem genetics is easier because you don't have to select nor maintain males.
Problem is jogro, that the "elite clones" that are always the preferred mothers these days are either happy accidents (herm) or if it happens to be exceptional and was from a feminized selection it may (or may not) have the recessive gene for hermaphrodism. By virtue of your claim of breeder laziness or even just the presence of these circumstances places the range of probability of gamete pairing of this trait at a more than likely probability across the range. PERIOD. While I appreciate your opinion on the matter it is not prudent to appreciate the flooding of the market with genetically modified base genetics and expect that the general pool is not affected by this as there are no quality controls and no market pressure to do what your saying would have to be done, which I agree with. At the end of the day there are plenty of breeders that are now even using feminized individuals in their breeding programs. Like I always say, the proof is in the progeny!

The form of cannabis that we enjoy would simply not exist without selective pressure. It doesn't take a botanist to realize that the pairings that are made are a result of selective pressure that has already occurred and that some undesirable traits have not been worked out. .02
Problem is jogro, that the "elite clones" that are always the preferred mothers these days are either happy accidents (herm) or if it happens to be exceptional and was from a feminized selection it may (or may not) have the recessive gene for hermaphrodism. By virtue of your claim of breeder laziness or even just the presence of these circumstances places the range of probability of gamete pairing of this trait at a more than likely probability across the range. PERIOD.
They're not, but stipulating for the sake of argument that every single "elite clone" on the planet is hermie-prone, that still doesn't affect the "gene pool". It only affects what you might term the "commercial gene pool", and even there, only part of it.

Again, it comes down to breeder diligence. *ALL* cannabis genetics ultimately derive from hermie-prone lines. Its up to the breeder to do the hard work to sort that out. If breeders aren't going to do that work starting from "elite clones", they're not going to do it starting with landraces or other lines. There is no fundamental reason why any breeder can't eliminate the hermie trait from a line started from a clone, the same as one started from a bean. long as they know what they are doing and actually want to do it.

If, for whatever reason, you as a consumer don't want plants with "elite clone" genetics in your growroom, there is a very simple solution. There are still any number of breeders who don't base their commercial lines on these (off the top of my head, Mr. Nice and Mandala come to mind, but there are others), and then its up to you as a customer to select what you like from the marketplace.

Unfortunately, I think the reality is that femmed or non-femmed, landrace, or elite clone, there isn't a single breeder that puts out lines that are 100% "hermie-proof". At best you have some where most of their catalog is hermie resistant.

While I appreciate your opinion on the matter it is not prudent to appreciate the flooding of the market with genetically modified base genetics
What's "genetically modified base genetics"?

The fact is, every single cannabis plant of interest has been "modified" by human selective breeding. If you're against "modifying" the genome of the cannabis plant, then I hope you enjoy growing wild hemp plants!

So far as I know, there are ZERO plants in the commercial drug cannabis marketplace whose genetics have been modified by directed molecular techniques (ie so-called GMO plants). Every single cannabis plant in the commercial drug marketplace, as well as commercial hemp lines, have been bred using conventional sexual crosses. At "worst" some of these crosses were carried out using pollen from genetically female plants. But again, there is nothing genetically "magical" about that. . .that's what cannabis plants do in nature all the time. I hear a lot of wailing about how this is ruining the gene pool. . .have yet to see ANY actual explanation of how or why.

. . .and expect that the general pool is not affected by this
What "general pool" are you talking about? This is like saying that because McDonalds and Burger King put out low end mass produced burgers, that the "burger pool" is being diluted. The fact is, if you want to find a better hamburger elsewhere, you still can. If anything the fact that there are lots of bad ones out there actually provides a market niche for individuals to provide good ones, just by expanding the overall size of the marketplace.

Same is true with cannabis genetics. The more "Greenhouse Se-eds" there are pumping out boatloads of mediocre feminized crap, the more reason there is for Mandala to put out hand pollinated landrace based regular lines that those in the know want. And even if, for the sake of argument, Mandala and its like couldn't really compete in the marketplace (even though emprrically, they can), that still wouldn't eliminate the genetics you're after. The more interesting lines would just be cultivated, bred, and traded privately by interested individuals, the same as more interesting non-commercial heirloom variants of tomatoes and other plants are today.

Making this even more simple, the rise of feminized se-eds is because the entire cannabis se-ed marketplace has exploded. More people than ever are cultivating the plant, and interested, and I don't see how that's a bad thing from a genetics preservation standpoint.

as there are no quality controls and no market pressure to do what your saying would have to be done, which I agree with.
Why do Mr. Nice and Mandala seeds exist, then? Clearly there is a market for their product.

Ultimately, the market serves as its own quality control. . .nobody can expect to consistently put out bad genetics and survive, and those that put out high quality genetics do tend to do better.

At the end of the day there are plenty of breeders that are now even using feminized individuals in their breeding programs. Like I always say, the proof is in the progeny!
This is a pretty vague statement. If you're saying that hermie prone progeny is a direct result of using feminized genetics somewhere in the breeding chain, I disagree. Its because of sloppy breeding practice; nothing more and nothing less.

Regardless, every pro breeder I've ever heard talk about this has said explicitly that they don't and won't use fem se-eds for breeding. From their own mouths, I've heard Kyle Kushman, Don from DNA Genetics, DJ Short, Simon from Serious se-eds, and Scott from Rare Dankness all say this exact thing, and all of these individuals are well known and award winning breeders. I've also seen Subcool from TGA say it on the internet, and Reddog from Sickmeds has told me the same in personal communication. I'm pretty sure that Shantibaba of MNS also doesn't, though I can't specifically remember seeing him say so directly, and I'm sure its true of others, though

So even stipulating that using fem se-eds in breeding is necessarily "bad" (which again, I don't believe as a categorical statement), you've got a list of arguably the most popular and prominent breeders around all claiming they don't do it. With all of them saying it, I don't think you have to worry about the commercial gene pool becoming all feminized.

The form of cannabis that we enjoy would simply not exist without selective pressure. It doesn't take a botanist to realize that the pairings that are made are a result of selective pressure that has already occurred and that some undesirable traits have not been worked out. .02
There are 400+ "strains" (and I use the term loosely) available on the commercial market. You're saying NONE of these lines are free of undesirable traits? If that were really true, then the only conclusion I could draw is that its impossible for anyone to create what you're after.

In practice, I'd say that you're never going to work out ALL the "undesirable" traits from that pool, nor, in my opinion, would it even be a good idea to try. One man's unwanted trait, is another's desired one, and in some cases combinations of unwanted traits turn into interesting new ones. All strains, are, in effect compromises highlighting certain features over others.
You answer yourself many times and postulate scenarios that are fine in a vacuum.

They're not, but stipulating for the sake of argument that every single "elite clone" on the planet is hermie-prone, that still doesn't affect the "gene pool". It only affects what you might term the "commercial gene pool", and even there, only part of it.
The majority of what is available, commercially is all that is viable in this argument as availability is the factor.

What's "genetically modified base genetics"?
Like it or not STS/colloidal silver are in fact modifying the genetic disposition.

What "general pool" are you talking about?
Again, it only makes sense to view this through the lens of what's being worked in the majority. eg. commercially available. Due to pseudo legality there are many factors that make the issue what it is and present the landscape that is available.

Why do Mr. Nice and Mandala seeds exist, then? Clearly there is a market for their product.
To be fair, Mr. Nice work/s/ed lines that aren't stable because they are good/popular. Ortega, Maple Leaf, etc. I like what mandala is doing, just finished some ganesh from him. Phenos are everywhere though. Once more, to be fair mandala hardly holds the majority of the market.

This is a pretty vague statement. If you're saying that hermie prone progeny is a direct result of using feminized genetics somewhere in the breeding chain, I disagree. Its because of sloppy breeding practice; nothing more and nothing less.
I am not saying that it is a direct result, I am saying that sloppy breeding is the norm and like it or not that doesn't bode well for proper selection. again .02 and awards don't equal good practices. They are always getting caught lying, I don't believe any of them about anything. lol I am not worried either what's done is done and not worth crying over. My feeling about them is unswayed and I am entitled to my opinion that is based entirely on the facts and my perception of doing what is right, pollution is pollution. By this very definition there should be none of those guys breeding with OGs/Chems/Diesels, yet they are! They win with those very genetics! What pressure is that on the open market?!

You're saying NONE of these lines are free of undesirable traits?
I'm saying that it doesn't bode well that there is a complete mish mash, or like Derry at Barney's calls it "a goulash" of genetic representation. That's all I am saying! Time under these market pressures will make sure to screw up the gene pool. There may be patches of goodness out there but they are by far the minority.
ive been running ice bomb for 6 months in SOG. Its a sturdy plant. But I keep getting bud rot in colas. Never had that issue before with any other strains. I just got a dehumid so hopefully the new runs will be ok.
Bud rot is so bad... Thats why I am going to get some Mould Resistant seeds... So are Bomb seeds a good line of seeds? From what I have read they seem to be "up there" as far as breeders go..thanks again for all the input about feming ect.Red