Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

Sorry, I was able to see them fine but I will post thumnails just in case. Thanks for letting me know :hump:


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Lookin nice boneman ;-)

Starting to flower up nicely, what height are they at now?

They dont look like theyve stretched much in the first couple of weeks of 12/12, nice, ya gonna have some dense plants there mate.
They have grown about an inch a day in flowering and Zena is almost catching up to Svetlana. TONS of bud sites and dense too. I hope I can get pics that do my girls justice. My next updates have height pictures with a tape measure. Thanks for the comments :hump:
One thing i just noticed boneman, the very first pic in the last picture update, you see the lower leaf yellowing, its yellowing between the veins with the veins staying green.

Thats classic Mg deficiency starting there mate.

Mg def's are most common in early flowering after the stretch as this is the time they use the most Mg.

Half a teaspoon of epsom salts first disolved in half a cup of hot water then added to every 4ltrs of nute solution should sort nip it in the bud early with a one-off treatment or one teaspoon of epsom salts prepared the same way to 4ltrs of water and applied as a foliar spray once or twice.
Hey London, I have Cal-Mag...should I bump up the doseage a bit? Or just go with the epsom salt? Thanks for the look and recommendation :hump:
Yea thats the first sign that the plant is robbing Mg from the lower leaves to sustain new growth, Mg is key to new tissue production, this is why Mg uptake is at its peak after the stretch and full flower begins, this is the time that the plant is making the most new tissue.

Most base ferts contain little or no Mg.

How long have you been using the Ca/Mg already? Has that leaf been yellowing in that way since starting the cal/mag?

You may have already caught early it by using the Ca/Mg already.

Personally ive never used Ca/Mg i use the epsom salts because its a whole heap cheaper, 99p from any pharmacy.

Just be carefull with Mg because slightly too much will badly lockout other nutes which is why foliar application is probably the best option.
Sorry i have been meaning 2 stop by iv been very busY WITH MY STUFF

everything looks great
i will b watching

good luck bone man-
About how hard would you say this is? 1 is outside with no fertilizer and 10 is building your own advance aero system.
About how hard would you say this is? 1 is outside with no fertilizer and 10 is building your own advance aero system.

If I understand you correctly, 1 is easiest and 10 is hardest in reference to my "hempy" grow?

I would say 2 maybe 3 only because you still have to mix up and feed nutes and refrain from over doing it. Other than that, its pretty much on auto pilot. :hump:
Yes, its kinda like a soil grow with a res.

During veg I watered every 3-4 days. Now during flowering I water just about everyday
Sorry everyone! My PC that has all my pics on it is under the weather. I think I need a new power supply cuz it wont start up. I'll take some new pics today and pick back up with the journal. No worries, Svet and Zena are doing well and flourishing :hump:
Here you go Boneman, a bit of info you might find interesting.

One of my girls have just started showing an Mg def today, so i dug out this for my own reference and thought you might wanna have a read.

This subject keeps coming up, so.

What are Epsom salts?

It is crystallised magnesium sulphate. It is a naturally occurring mineral that is used by all living things.

Chemical name: Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate ( or Hydrated).

Chemical Formula: MgSO4 + 7H2O , (Hydrated Magnesium Sulphate).

Mineral Name: Epsomite (MgSO4 + 7H2O).

Similar minerals: Kieserite (MgSO4 + H2O, Hydrated Magnesium Sulphate)
Hexahydrite (MgSO4 + 6H2O).

Magnesium Sulphate is found in 95% mineral waters! Up to 2% of ocean sea salt is Magnesium Sulphate.

Human body needs Magnesium Sulphate!

This simple mineral is often in short supply in modern grown foods and people are often deficient in it. Raising the levels of it often help to reduce severe acute asthma attacks, its used to manage seizures associated with toxemia of pregnancy. It is helpful with all sorts of muscle contraction problems, also several dysrhythmias problems. Has been used for hundreds of years as a liver cleanser and as a purgative.

When used external such as in a bath, magnesium sulphate is absorbed through the skin, it draws toxins from the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles.

As a foot soak: Soothe aches, remove odours, and soften rough skin with a foot soak. Add 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt to a large pan of warm water. Soak sprains and bruises: Epsom Salt will reduce the swelling of sprains and bruises. Add 2 cups Epsom Salt to a warm bath, and soak. Or locally use a warm epsom salt-soaked compress to reduce swelling from scrapes, use a cold compress to take the sting out of insect bites.

Epsom salts are named for the mineral rich waters of Epsom, England, where they were known at least as far back as Shakespeare's day. The salts were originally produced by evaporating the spring water where the mineral occurred.

For plants epsom salts can supply two essential chemicals that they need, ie Magnesium and Sulphur in a soluble form absorbable through both the leaves and roots. At the dilution plants need it, it is also friendly to the soil/compost micro flora and stimulates the micro herd.

Overdone like anything it will cause harm to the soil and its fauna. Like everything its about balance. If the plant does not need it don't give it.

With a large plant outdoors in cultivated soil with a good balance of nutrients will never show/have an Mg deficiency. The reason is that its root system is unlimited, a large plant will have a feeder root mass occupying 1 to 2 thousand litres of top soil. The Cannabis plants use of Mg increases as it matures and will be at its peak at around the third week of flowering on 12/12. A plentiful supply at this time is critical to facilitate the transformation into full flowering mode. Because indoor plants grown in containers have a restricted root mass, this is the time where you are most likely to see a problem. It needs dealing with at this early stage.

With cannabis Mg deficiency shows on the lower sunleaves first, the green between the veins becoming a little lighter green as the very early symptom. Seeing it at this stage means the plants are telling you I need magnesium now!

Dosage for misting:

1 level teaspoon to a heaped teaspoon per litre of water.

Dosage for watering:

1 level desert to a heaped tablespoon per 5 litres of water.

Dissolve the epsom salts in some hot water first to make sure it has all dissolved properly.


1. As a foliar misting just before lights out. Repeat this every three days until you see an improvement.

2. Use when watering/feeding in compost: Once in the vegetative stage, & twice when in flower (day 10 & day 35).

See my leaf? Its just one leaf like one of your lower leaves.

The first sign. Lower leaf tissue yellowing between the veins with the veins still green and yellowing last.


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Good info Londoner...thanks. Hopefully in the next day or two i'll get caught up with this journal. My computer is still being stooopid :wall:
kiss-asskiss-assGREAT INFO THANKS
Here you go Boneman, a bit of info you might find interesting.

One of my girls have just started showing an Mg def today, so i dug out this for my own reference and thought you might wanna have a read.

This subject keeps coming up, so.

What are Epsom salts?

It is crystallised magnesium sulphate. It is a naturally occurring mineral that is used by all living things.

Chemical name: Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate ( or Hydrated).

Chemical Formula: MgSO4 + 7H2O , (Hydrated Magnesium Sulphate).

Mineral Name: Epsomite (MgSO4 + 7H2O).

Similar minerals: Kieserite (MgSO4 + H2O, Hydrated Magnesium Sulphate)
Hexahydrite (MgSO4 + 6H2O).

Magnesium Sulphate is found in 95% mineral waters! Up to 2% of ocean sea salt is Magnesium Sulphate.

Human body needs Magnesium Sulphate!

This simple mineral is often in short supply in modern grown foods and people are often deficient in it. Raising the levels of it often help to reduce severe acute asthma attacks, its used to manage seizures associated with toxemia of pregnancy. It is helpful with all sorts of muscle contraction problems, also several dysrhythmias problems. Has been used for hundreds of years as a liver cleanser and as a purgative.

When used external such as in a bath, magnesium sulphate is absorbed through the skin, it draws toxins from the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles.

As a foot soak: Soothe aches, remove odours, and soften rough skin with a foot soak. Add 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt to a large pan of warm water. Soak sprains and bruises: Epsom Salt will reduce the swelling of sprains and bruises. Add 2 cups Epsom Salt to a warm bath, and soak. Or locally use a warm epsom salt-soaked compress to reduce swelling from scrapes, use a cold compress to take the sting out of insect bites.

Epsom salts are named for the mineral rich waters of Epsom, England, where they were known at least as far back as Shakespeare's day. The salts were originally produced by evaporating the spring water where the mineral occurred.

For plants epsom salts can supply two essential chemicals that they need, ie Magnesium and Sulphur in a soluble form absorbable through both the leaves and roots. At the dilution plants need it, it is also friendly to the soil/compost micro flora and stimulates the micro herd.

Overdone like anything it will cause harm to the soil and its fauna. Like everything its about balance. If the plant does not need it don't give it.

With a large plant outdoors in cultivated soil with a good balance of nutrients will never show/have an Mg deficiency. The reason is that its root system is unlimited, a large plant will have a feeder root mass occupying 1 to 2 thousand litres of top soil. The Cannabis plants use of Mg increases as it matures and will be at its peak at around the third week of flowering on 12/12. A plentiful supply at this time is critical to facilitate the transformation into full flowering mode. Because indoor plants grown in containers have a restricted root mass, this is the time where you are most likely to see a problem. It needs dealing with at this early stage.

With cannabis Mg deficiency shows on the lower sunleaves first, the green between the veins becoming a little lighter green as the very early symptom. Seeing it at this stage means the plants are telling you I need magnesium now!

Dosage for misting:

1 level teaspoon to a heaped teaspoon per litre of water.

Dosage for watering:

1 level desert to a heaped tablespoon per 5 litres of water.

Dissolve the epsom salts in some hot water first to make sure it has all dissolved properly.


1. As a foliar misting just before lights out. Repeat this every three days until you see an improvement.

2. Use when watering/feeding in compost: Once in the vegetative stage, & twice when in flower (day 10 & day 35).

See my leaf? Its just one leaf like one of your lower leaves.

The first sign. Lower leaf tissue yellowing between the veins with the veins still green and yellowing last.