Bonemeal as a high phoporous fertiliser?


Active Member
I'm 2 weeks into my grow and using a 24-8-16 fert at the moment. I have some bonemeal plant food with a high phosporous level.

Can i use this when I get to flowering as a supplement?

If so its dry as opposed to soluble so how long before should I apply to ensure it breaks down and can be taken up by my plants ?

Alternatively can anyone recommend a good flowering fert with high phosporous in the UK ?


Well-Known Member
From the FAQ

Cave Bat Guano 3 10 1
Fossilized Seabird Guano 1 10 1
Bone Meal (steamed) 1 11 0

should do the job, maybe cut down on the other stuff a bit too?


Well-Known Member
Organic Fertilizers - Composition (Videoman)

Organic Fertilizers - Composition . Organic soil composition involves creating a soil medium that has a balanced amount of nutrients - NPK as well as trace elements and minerals - plus organic material that provides food for not only the plant, but also the countless soil microorganisms, fungi, worms, and bacteria that comprise a healthy soil. This soil life breaks down the raw materials of the fertilizers you add so the plants can absorb them, and also plays a part in as-yet undefined processes that aid plant growth and improve soil health.
Below are various "recipes" for both organic fertilizers and organic soil mixes.

Mix and match formulas
Pick one source from each category. The results will vary in composition from 1-2-1 to 4-6-3, but any mixture will provide a balanced supply of nutrients that will be steadily available to plants and encourage soil microorganisms.

Nitrogen 2 parts blood meal
3 parts fish meal

Phosporous 3 parts bone meal
6 parts rock phosphate or colloidal phosphate

Potassium 1 part kelp meal
6 parts greensand

. [SIZE=-1]source: Rodale Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]
[/SIZE] . More Organic Fertilizer Mixes

2 - 3.5 - 2.5
1 part bone meal
3 parts alfalfa hay
2 parts greensand

2 - 4 - 2
4 parts coffee grounds
1 part bone meal
1 part wood ashes

2 - 4 - 2
1 part leather dust
1 part bone meal
3 parts granite dust

2 - 8 - 2
3 parts greensand
2 parts seaweed
1 part dried blood
2 parts phosphate rock

2 - 13 - 2.5
1 part cottonseed meal
2 parts phosphate rock
2 parts seaweed

3.5 - 5.5 - 3.5
2 parts cottonseed meal
1 part colloidal phosphate
2 parts granite dust

2.5 - 6 - 5
1 part dried blood
1 part phosphate rock
4 parts wood ashes

0 - 5 - 4
1 part phosphate rock
3 parts greensand
2 parts wood ashes

3 - 6 - 3
1 part leather dust
1 part phosphate rock
3 parts seaweed

3 - 7 - 5
1 part dried blood
1 part phosphate rock
3 parts wood ashes

3 - 8 - 5
1 part leather dust
1 part phosphate rock
1 part fish scrap
4 parts wood ashes

2.5 - 2.5 - 4
3 parts granite dust
1 part dried blood
1 part bone meal
5 parts seaweed

4 - 5 - 4
2 parts dried blood
1 part phosphate rock
4 parts wood ashes

6 - 8 - 3
2 parts fish scrap
2 parts dried blood
1 part cottonseed meal
1 part wood ashes
1 part phosphate rock
1 part granite dust

Added on: Monday, April 30, 2007


Well-Known Member
despite what there all gonna tell you, i use miracle grow for my outdoor, and have used it indoor and got awsome results, my outdoor plan't are always big and healthy, my only indoor was just a little one, but i used it for me seed plant, hope this helps you out