bonz bc outdoor chemo


Well-Known Member
i`m in bc so my flower time is real soon. hopefuly i can get them out in a few days between my fishing trips.


Active Member
Wow, if I ever get a chance for a vacation, I'd love to come and meet you! Kudos for the wonderful place you seem to be living your life... Bravo!


Well-Known Member
i get the best of both worlds. i have the city on my left and beaches and on the right i have the mountains and skiing on the same day. oh ya and another passion fishing. i`m trying to get pic`s of my last fishing trip up but having trouble posting pic`s. it seems to be a problem with every site i use for growing.


Well-Known Member
i get the best of both worlds. i have the city on my left and beaches and on the right i have the mountains and skiing on the same day. oh ya and another passion fishing. i`m trying to get pic`s of my last fishing trip up but having trouble posting pic`s. it seems to be a problem with every site i use for growing.
Yeah man bc is the bomb eh. And sick another skier on RIU! I finally got my dream and rode whistler this year. Man some of those backcountry bowls are intense. Especially when your riding them on some rail skis. I plan on moving to bc in the next few years once im down with school. But plants are looking nice, and i love the scenery pictures you got.
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Well-Known Member
well here`s a first update on my burmese experiment. i will be a little more detailed on what i do to them like nute mixes and ph ppm and stuff for people.

so tonight i gave them a mix of pure blend bloom at 25 mills, 7 mills of cal-mag, and 10 mills of liquid karma. ph was 6.7 and my ec was 1.6. i will call these 5 weeks.
i will grow these indoor till my daylight is about 12/12 then move outside if it`s worth it then.
the pots i have for them are about 10 inches and 4 inches square, thier clear so i put black/white around them to keep roots dark.
so here`s some eye candy and remember good things come in small packages

if anybody prefers me to do this in my indoor journal for now untill it`s outside just say. no problem, anyway:peace:


Well-Known Member
well i finaly got up to my outdoor spot today. it`s been since july 15. been busy finishing my indoor grow.
plants are looking good except for the burning holes in the leaves. it has spread to another one and no bugs anywhere. i have always done them in pots outdoor in the past so haven`t had to deal with this before so any suggestions how to fix, i`m all ears.
the new growth is redish also and it seems to start from the tops and go down. i`m thinking it`s the soil because we didn`t realy have much to put in. it was kind of hard carrying it up there so i think the roots have reached the ground soil and is causing it.

i`ll post some scenery tomorrow, been a long day:peace:



Well-Known Member
update for my mini burmese test. gave them a dose tonight of 30 ml bloom, 7 ml cal-mag, 10 ml karma, teaspoon molasses. ph was 6.8 and 1.8 ppt. fed 2 cups each.

dam i hate having them under the flouro`s, so much slower. i hope the light change wont stress them to hermie. anyway i`m just charging my batteries for my camera and i`ll have some pic`s up for us soon.


Well-Known Member
bit of a screw up i for got to wipe my camera so i ran out of room and didn`t notice so i missed some shots. oh well thats what happens when you puff while taking pic`s.



Well-Known Member
they started under 400 hps and had a few assaults laid on her so not to good.
i have had to chop them down now. no more action in this house. i`ll be looking for a new place to do this now. just a bad environment here.


Well-Known Member
well i had to shut down so i choped the burmese, such a sad day. oh well on to bigger and better things. landloard is still blaming me for the electric bill, even though i was only using 4 20 watt flouro`s. time to look for a new location.
i am on my way up to my outdoor crop today, got myself some end-all2 for the aphids, i hope there is still some plants left. it`s raining pretty bad here today so this isn`t going to be fun. but it`s flower time a couple weeks ago for me so i`m curious to see the change.
i`ll have some new pic`s up tonight.
anyone reading this journey that uses soil and into organics i have started a user group on the subject. i will be posting help info and asking for it as well. anyone interested that wont cause crap ( seems to be happening to much lately for me.) is more then welcome to join and share or ask questions.


Well-Known Member
another update. went up to see the outdoor and spray some of the bugs, still dont see any but sprayed any way. it hasn`t gotten any worse since last time, hope thier full.
hairs are shooting every where now and looking good. one has super dark red stems, nice and cool at night. should get some nice colours from this.
anyway here`s some shots some are a bit blury . batteries were dying.

the last one just shows how well these blend in with the green. if you look down at the bottom of the pic you see one on the left and one on the right, the rest are further back.



Active Member
This is great. I'm in BC as well and planning a grow for 09'.

You mentioned the plants stink. How much do the plants smell and is this why u have to plant deep in the woods?

Looking for more updates. Would love to get an oz from this crop. :)


Well-Known Member
ah, ya they smell bad. i am in east van so it`s to hard to get privacy here and to many junkies ready to jump my fence to take it, and i like the outdoors to.
i am just feeling this erea out for something bigger next year, so far so good. been a couple helicopters, but always at a good time. i`m not near the plants when they fly over and wave at me from the tree tops


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Looking good Bonz. The outdoor this year is wicked, best in a few years around here. The weather this summer has been perfect for them. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
better than last year for me. to wet last year. i had 50 outdoor and i ponly got a 1/4 pound. the plants only grew about 2 feet tall.
this year those are about 5 foot now.
i just bought some dutch treat yesterday and will be doing my first full cfl grow in a new cab that i am showing in the cab section. a how to.
did i read correct on your grow. it`s your first indoor?? looks good


Well-Known Member
well we have sad news today. i was robbed of my outdoor crop.
i know who did it. (ex-partner)
he is from 420 magazine, user name nvancouver.
this is what he did in toronto, and had to run from there. now he got me for a measly little 5 plants. wow big time criminal.
anyway i geusse i will be booted from that site because i went to every thread he had and let peope know what he did. all his friends warned me, should have listened. try to give a kid a new start and get bit in the ass. never again.
there is more evidence that he did it or i wouldn`t have posted over there like that.
i also told the idiot upstairs what he did and he told me he also stole some shit from him when he moved out.
the guy has some sangerous peopl looking to have a friendly little conversation with him, shame he was only 25 years old, so young. ( and stupid)

i posted info about it in my dutch treat journal in my sig.
thanx everyone for following this adventure, see told you it would be an adventure.
anyway i am rocking along with a new grow of dutch treat. i am doing time laps video for the entire grow. it`s in my sig also. so come check it out.