Bored of canna ??


Well-Known Member
Hye I'm on my third grow I'm getting bored of canna nutrients the a+b cannaboost rhizotonic cannazyme and the pk 13/14 are boring now and I've got the same results ... Another reason is the price ?? Any good recommendations for a new grow I'm Gna buy a whole new set so any grow guidelines from clone to flowering is much appreciated
Plant magic



are good

also there`s some bulk powdered nutes that really work well

also look into using pure triacontanol, that stuff really works for flowering

GA3 is fun for messing with to make a plant veg and some people use BAP I was going to try that sometime

Seaweed extracts and such always seem to work well too

Canna you spend a lot for what you get most products rip you off for their "boost" half the time triacontanol and or seaweed extract will do a better job with some PK in bloom if the plants healthy
Look into "monster cropping"

Its when you clone a flowering plant to get extra branches

but using GA3 at low levels on something that you have just cropped can do much the same thing
Cyco is BOMB. And im an organic guy. But i have seen great results in multiple grows including mine (doin a side by side).
Plant magic



are good

also there`s some bulk powdered nutes that really work well

also look into using pure triacontanol, that stuff really works for flowering

GA3 is fun for messing with to make a plant veg and some people use BAP I was going to try that sometime

Seaweed extracts and such always seem to work well too

Canna you spend a lot for what you get most products rip you off for their "boost" half the time triacontanol and or seaweed extract will do a better job with some PK in bloom if the plants healthy
Could u give me an example of a cycle including these products ?
General Hydroponics 3 part

All I use and it does a better job then anything else. 2 part, 1 Part, boosters. Junk junk and junk. Of course the secret is your formula ratios dialed in.
Personally, I use my own supersoil blend, Neptunes Harvest, Molasses, and a few other organic goodies when I remember. Results are great, yield is good, taste is unparalleled, and I can make it as easy or difficult as I choose. Having said all of that, I have had experience with many salt based nutes. For me, all the additives are a pain in the ass. I want complete in as few bottles as possible. I also demand effective and results without breaking the bank. In salts, here is what I have had good resuls with minimal effort without 30 bottles or spending a pile of $$.

Ionic Line by Hydrodynamics.
GH 3 part
GH maxibloom
Supernatural Granular Nutes
Jacks/Peters Professional 20-20-20
Jacks Classic Cactus Feed
Dyna Gro - 7-7-7
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro

I have used pretty much all of them at some point. AN was among the worst in terms of results for $ spent. Some of the more "boutique" type things were even less impressive. Generally, the nute world is a bit of a joke. The more additives, hype, and cool graphics a line has, generally the shittier the product. Dyna Gro 7-7-7 and GH Flora 3 part as well as Ionic have not changed their label graphics in the 15+ years I have been into this game. They do not need ti, because they have good stuff in the bottle. I personally prefer dry over liquid ferts but I do enjoy PH buffering, ease of mixing, and long term stability that some of the better liquid nutes have to offer. At the end of the day, it is all about personal preference. They all work. I tried different ones because I too got bored. Eventually, I realized I could grow as much product, with less plants, and minimal effort with better quality simply by doing less tinkering, and just keeping it all as simple and maintenance free as possible. Do what needs to be done to get your yield and quality, but keep the nutes simple. So long as environment is on point, and you dont stress your plants by nutrient, PH, or environment, it is really easy. Nutes are a small piece of that puzzle. Simplify your grow, get your method down to a ritual literally performed by muscle movements, and spend the time and money you save on other enjoyable things. I don't really know sh*7. Just my $.02


Jacks Citrus FeED, Dyno Gro Pro-Tekt, cal-mag. From seed to harvest. No gimmicky BS. Stupid cheap. For clones I'm using some of the pro-tekt with Dyno grow klm in a bubble cloner.
Canna is good nutes I have friends that pull over 2 consistently with canna and get great quality.. I have been using advanced for 5 years ..I don't use all the additives but I use a lot of advanced Products.. People bitch at the price this and that. But the proof is in the pudding. I haven't hit under 2.5 per 1k lamp in almost 2 years. Though my rooms are pretty dialed, I like to think the nutrients have something to do with it. If I get one ounce more per lamp then with other nutes.. Then the whole line paid for itself. So really , what is over priced about that? Good luck
I've been loving h&g for quite some time now. But it's gonna be very similar to canna, so if you're looking for something different then I guess that's a no go.
If you used a good organic soil and something link a compost tea you wouldn't need nuits at all, there's a few good ones on here
Could u give me an example of a cycle including these products ?

Nope if you were here I could give you a bud

house and garden`s stuff works well too

You have to shop as the prices always change learn to use what the best you can get on your budget is at the time you have cash to shop
Nope if you were here I could give you a bud

house and garden`s stuff works well too

You have to shop as the prices always change learn to use what the best you can get on your budget is at the time you have cash to shop
Money doesn't matter really as I pass on some fruits of my labour to cover the cost for my next harvest but I'm hittin low numbers on my harvest for the money I'm spending on nutes