Boston Baked Beanz

bubba kush at day 22. gotta spray her again as shes how mites got on the gsc. will be my 1st time spraying in flower:( no choice, my xmas doe... gonna brew up the garlic n habenero mix then hope that does it. picking off infected leaves really doeshelp and can eliminate them off a plant if early enough.017.JPG018.JPG 019.JPG 020.JPG 021.JPG
heres my bright moments seedlings. transplanted the grateful grape into 1gal bags to sex. so far got 1 of each so theyll be flowered in 2 weeks. gotta get some warrior to germ these sour grapes. anyone have any good advice bout germing older seeds? was thinking bout brewing up a sst from cannabis seeds :D059.JPG
found some brickweed seeds i stashed from like 07. think i may pop em looking for something special. i assume theyre mexican or colombian. theyre from that nice arizona mids, skunky brght neon green with few seeds.
Yeah buddy! U get your "safe" addy situation figured out yet? If you want a quest for something special i got some beans from the late 70s early 80s... As my uncle calls em "that old school biker skunk" haha! Hit me up bro
goddamn speaking of ganja clause! was waiting on some karma nigerian haze x biker kush, homie sends with those some c99 f5, some mt hood huckleberry f2s, and some choc x perun? waiting on info bout those, im gonna be fucking happy if those are a choc thai cross.