Botanicare Hydroponic Feeding Schedule Excel Formula


Well-Known Member Hydroponic Feeding Schedule.xlsx
Feel free to add to this file.

This is a way to calculate how many mL of nutrients you will need easily without needing to add it in your head or write it down. Just plug in your tank size (ie: 3 gallons) and press enter. Then you can either read it from your device or print it out for continual use.


Well-Known Member
Updated already!!! :)
Here is an updated Excel Program for Botanicare. Including cost per grow cycle, per item, and complete total. Also, shows how much of the nutrient is used per gallon of water input. Therefore aiding you in deciding what size Botanicare you will need to purchase.
Botanicare Hydroponic Feeding Schedule (v 1.1) Link Hydroponic Feeding Schedule (1.1).xlsx


Active Member
I always found that, if I followed the label directions. It worked fine. No issues. Might need an additive or 2....