Botanicare Nutrients


yea there are 2 very good places. One is Gro Green on Main and Haskell, the other is Texas Hydroponics on Mannana(tomorrow in spanish) and Harry Hines. IMO Gro Green is better even though it is small. The guy there is a genius. trust me


Well-Known Member
I use to live in Carrollton, and the Gas Pipe on I635 and Skillman sold hydro supplies.... I just called them for you, and they carry Botanicare Grow and Bloom. 9515 Skillman 75243 ph# is (214) 553-9293. I use Botanicare, it's been good to me so far. Hope this helps.


Im telling you go to Gro Green you will not be disappointed. Msg me if you need the exact address. They are the best and The nutes there are pretty cheap


Well-Known Member
Just went there yesterday for the first time myself. super cool people seemed to know their stuff too


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the help. All the Dallas prices I have found by calling on the phone are about 10 to 15 dollars a gallon more than I found online. And that is before you add the sales tax. As much of this stuff as I am going to be needing, I have to go with the low price. Besides, it is amost a 200 mile round trip for me to go to Dallas to pick it up.