Botanicare Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Hey Growers
I've been at this since April and am loving it. I chose initially to go with Botanicare because it was mostly organic. My first run I used
Pure Blend Pro Grow
Pure Blend Pro Bloom
I like to do my research but I really haven't been able to find much here, icmag has a bit, and YouTube. There's this guy Matt from who covers the line but that's all I've seen.
I've since added:
Liquid Karma
Sweet Raw

I'd like this to be a place where anyone can talk about the lines, questions, answers, tips etc.
I'll post one of my questions.
I was told that my city tapwater is fine to use. No need for cal/mag, meters etc
I'm growing in Pro mix hp
I had some major "fading" on my first run which I thought to be a nitrogen deficiency from not using the Grow for the first two weeks of flower. I was told to do this for the stretch. I went almost two weeks but the plants were fading way too quickly.
I'm into week 4 on my next grow and just figured out it could be a cal/mag issue. So...
Are Botanicare's base nutes light on cal/mag?
I asked the guy at the hydro store if he's heard of our city water needing cal/mag and is it normal? He said that each line had it's own cal/mag version for a reason.
Here's another question. In what order should I mix because now when I add the LK I get a little gloop precipitating out?
yes pure blend pro is low in calcium, mg and is meant for tap water.
I did a while back a mix of peat, perlite and vermiculite aka promix but i add 2 tablespoons per gallon of soiless mix of Powdered (NOT PELLETIZED) dolomite lime and i was able to use botanicare pbp with out adding cal mag +.
Just mix it together before planting.

good luck and happy growing
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if you choose using cal mag + start at 1ml/gal and work your way up. here is calmag+ and how much nitrogen, calcium and magnesium are in it @.70 conversion:
ps: remember every state their tap water is different and if your tap is 100-250 ppm your good over 300ppm is no bueno.

good luck bro
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