Botanicare Ready Gro Aeration Medium


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have any experiences with botanicare ready gro aeration or moisture formula? Link: Botanicare : Product Overview : Grow Substrates

I'm using the aeration formula for a drip system with 2 tomato plants and 2 jalapeno plants and so far it's going great. Easy to transplant and very light. The boss of a local hydro shop I go to reccomended it, he had just gotten it in I think. It's basically coco coir with perlite, a tiny bit of organic compost (not much at all), and some silica clay or something. The moisture retention is alright (to were it's reccomended 4-6 waterings a day, but I can get away with 2 if I want), but I'd reccomend the moisture formula for less watering. Anyways, thought I'd see if anyone else has used it.

here's a pic (sorry it's huge)


Active Member
yeah its good. I used it in my garden. works excelent. A lot of runoff though. I would definately recomment the Moisture Formula if you are going to water less often.


Well-Known Member
yeah its good. I used it in my garden. works excelent. A lot of runoff though. I would definately recomment the Moisture Formula if you are going to water less often.
Yea I didn't know they had a moisture formula (the shop only had the aeration one). I'm going to get a different timer that can water it more often this weekend. I've been having it water while I'm at work and manually plugging it in 2-3 more times before and after to make sure it never gets too dry.


I also am using the aeration forumla...and I have to say I love it. I am new to this and am paranoid about over watering. They claim it is "virtually impossible to overwater your plants using this formula". I feel this is perfect for new growers since it's hard to overwater your plants...and if you do, the aeration will allow the plant to continue to get oxygen...whereas if you were using the Moisture Formula and over water, you could be screwed. Happy Growing!
Awesome to hear guys I was just at the store and the hydo man said the same, that this was perfect for beginners afraid of overwatering. So I am trying it on my first grow, well see how it goes.

Zigg Zagg

I just picked up some of the Aeration medium to use for hydro....we'll see how it goes. Wasn't aware there was a moisture formula as well.


Well-Known Member
I am going to use this in pots... my question is can I use the same water that I am going to use in my dwc.. nutrient wise?


Well-Known Member
cool guess I will just be watering with Hydro water.... low PH and Hydro nutes... Ill let you know how that goes.

tree king

Well-Known Member
guys i just found out about this and i was wondering does this medium soak up like a sponge? what i mean is lets say i have a 6 inch squared pot with a brand new clone transplanted on top, can i just flood the ebb and flow tray a half inch high and it will soak the water all the way to the top of the pot?