Well-Known Member
without an informed and aware population, no regulation of these political animals will be sufficient. restricting access to our representatives isn't the answer. all these lobbyists operate as the voice of some segment of the people and eliminating them would merely form a more complete curtain between us and the political elites that strive to avoid any semblance of transparency. no regulation of campaigning or the operation of government will ever be effective when those who oversee it reside within the monster itself. education, as long as it is under the thumb of the state, will always be a matter of indoctrination into the most popular agenda of the moment. the media itself has become another arm of the powerful and there is no way to break their hold on that industry.taking the money out of public service is the only way to fix the problem. eliminating lobbying is only one aspect. campaign reform, filibuster reform, and education reform are some others. and the media ... I have no clue.
the simple fact seems to be that governance on a national level is just too vast an enterprise to be as transparent as it must be to avoid its inherent corruption. regional government may be held to close examination, but the sheer size of the federal government makes it immune to such scrutiny. only with a small, relatively weak federal government can the sovereignty of the states and the individual be protected. the massive programs of washington's excess hold us all hostage to the whims of those over whom we have little or no control.