Botrytis Test - Proving that you can make money off bud rot!

The only people that would buy this are naive cannabis growers. They'll buy anything. And if someone like me says it's a waste of time and money they'll come back with the standard "You're behind in the times", blah blah blah. Make some comment about age, and then rave about some overpriced crap product nobody needs and only some idiot would pay for. They'll then try and claim that their crispy fried cannabis plants that look like they came from a bucket of KFC look that way because that's how plants should look.
The only people that would buy this are naive cannabis growers. They'll buy anything. And if someone like me says it's a waste of time and money they'll come back with the standard "You're behind in the times", blah blah blah. Make some comment about age, and then rave about some overpriced crap product nobody needs and only some idiot would pay for. They'll then try and claim that their crispy fried cannabis plants that look like they came from a bucket of KFC look that way because that's how plants should look.
Its almost to be expected at this point. Im amazed how often this scenario plays out word for word.
I think bud rots fairly easy to id brown slimy shit if in a wet environment grey crumbly powdery sometimes looks webby almost in the middle of buds in a dry environment regardless bin it cos its all its good for imo