Bottle tokes/ hash?

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
anybody ever try the method of burning a hole in a bottle, busting up little beeds of hash, dabbing with a cig so the hash is the only thing burning, and fill up the bottle with smoke and hitting it? how many does it usually take to get baked got a fat rock of hash
Should try the waterfall. Get a 2-liter, not sure what that is in gallons you yankee fucks, and burn a nice clean hole in the bottom. Fill with water, place a full bowl on top, light and let er go. Kicks ya right in the nuts. Might not work at all for hash, but that`s beside the point.
i don't quite follow this thread.. ok, so you burn a hole with a cig or w/e in a bottle, wtf do you do with the hash after you make little balls out of it??
Sounds like hot-knife's in the 70's, break a hole in the bottom of a bottle, get two butter knives red-hot on the stove (there were only burners on stoves in those days, it was easier to stick the knives in), drop some oil or hash on the knife, stick it in the hole and haul... the good old days ;) Got caught a few times when my parents were supposed to be gone for a while though :(
i don't quite follow this thread.. ok, so you burn a hole with a cig or w/e in a bottle, wtf do you do with the hash after you make little balls out of it??

i didn't explain it good enough cause i was drunk, but u make sure the end of the cig is pure ember no ash by blowing it off (lol grow up) u dab the ember on the hash bead and put the cig in the hole in the bottle, the hash has its own stream of smoke and once it turns orange its done and u hit it. i thought everybody knew about bottle tokes they do it in trailer park boys season 4 episode 1
I read the fat rocks part and get all turned on. Then I found out you weren't actually talking about crack. That's when I left this thread.

i got 5 gram big rock hard chunk of hash dense as it can get, about half the size of a ping pong ball, i could tie this rock around my feet and jump over board and drown lol
Gravity bong, it's called.

youre wrong, idiot, he described a waterfall.

a gravity bong is the same concept, except you cut the whole bottom of the 2L pop bottle off, and submerge it in water, pulling the bottle OUT of the water letting GRAVITY do the trick... not letting water WATERFALL out of the bottom hole.
i don't quite follow this thread.. ok, so you burn a hole with a cig or w/e in a bottle, wtf do you do with the hash after you make little balls out of it??

obviouslyhes using the cigarettes cherry as his source of heat, and the bottle as a giant smoke collector/hooter funnel thing.