Bottled water question +rep4help


Well-Known Member
I lost my little PH kit. I really need to organize, but until then. Can anyone here help me?

I've been using Tap water for my seedlings, and now I'm transplanting b/c they are no longer seedlings. The PH on the tap was around 6.7, and I let the chlorine evaporate.

Now I'm asking all the ppl that use bottled water. Distilled or Purified??? Plz help ASAP :smile:

+rep for help :hug:

Srry if somebody already read this same thread in the newbie section. Just trying to get everyone's help here :spew:
Really? ok sounds good. I'll just water from the hose. Does that have chlorine too? It probably does considering it all comes from the same place (I think).
Invest in a RO system..costly, but imo worth it..Better for you to*s* RO does a nice job of removing the bad stuff, and leaving some good stuff. Easier to start as neutral as possible, again my o...
Srry what's RO stand for. I know my kitchen sink has a water softener thing hooked up to this backyard box thing. The water comes out soooooooooooo slow from the little nozzle btw.
Srry what's RO stand for. I know my kitchen sink has a water softener thing hooked up to this backyard box thing. The water comes out soooooooooooo slow from the little nozzle btw.

Ro stands for reverse osmosis. I personally use distilled water anf the ph is about 6.0 I like distelled for all parts of growth. When adding nutes this raises your ph, you should really invest in another ph tester. For now a cheap alternative is an aquarium ph test kit.
K thanks for all the feedback I'll distribute +rep later tonight expect it by tomorrow morning for everyone that cares :)
All different types of bottled water have a different ph and once you have added nutes to it you will need to recheck it and adjust it accordingly:joint:

Ya I found the question pretty dumb after I posted it. For that exact reason. :spew: I realized everyone's water is different even if bottled. I just need a good PH tester thingy. If anyone can recommend a PH tester thing, and throw some decent prices out there. That would be lovely :hug:
SOME CATS USE THE DIGITAL PH TEST READERS I USE liquid tester that covers a pH range of 4.0 to 8.5. AND MY PH dOWN ... IT'S ALL ON WHAT U WANNA SPEND