Bottom Fan Leaves Yellowing/Crisping Can Someone Look (Pics Included)

It's happening to all 3 of my cheese cuts, the bottom fan leaves are getting really yellow and look burnt round the edges (is it nute burn?) Thanks for looking

lookin like nute burn whatr you giving them?
Ionic grow at 7ml per litre as advised on the bottle. I was only giving them 5, but they responded so well to that i thought id up it. It's not nute lock or anything is it? What should i do? Just give water for a bit or carry on with the 5ml



Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd agree with nute burn
They're looking a little over watered there
See how the leaves are drooping
How often are u feeding them ?
Are they in soil,rock wool ,clay pebbles ?
The more info u give the people will help u mate
PH? when was your last flush?
Never flushed them, ph of what? the ph of my nutrient mix is around 6.8. Thanks :)

That 6.8 could be wrong thoufh as i am not sure i caliberated my meter properly, just bought some ph 4 and 7 caliberation solution and going to get it working properly.


Active Member
If you are growing in COCO you should be down at 5.5ph (COCO should be anywhere between 5.3~5.8PH....get the PH down and then the nute lok up will iron out.


Active Member
yes PH Down buddy- i Also grow in Coco and i aim for 5.3/5.4 then the follwong day its at 5.8 and the next day i drop it back to 5.3 again and so on....your PH is for Soil growing buddy but your in COCO


Well-Known Member
If you are growing in COCO you should be down at 5.5ph (COCO should be anywhere between 5.3~5.8PH....get the PH down and then the nute lok up will iron out.
Exactly u need 2 know the ph of the water
After u've added ur nutes
Also the the correct ph 4 the growing medi
That u want 2 use this is key
Thanks dude, gonna get this ph meter calibrated properly once my solution arrives, just ordered some growth technology ph down, it's only a 250ml bottle, will it get me through the grow?


Active Member
Yeah i have the same 250ml and im on my 3rd grow However as you Add Water+nutes and then PH its all in one go....i do 12litres and its approx 1ml to get it where i need it so do bit by bit so u dont need to use PH up but make sure u get some of both.
Yeah i have the same 250ml and im on my 3rd grow However as you Add Water+nutes and then PH its all in one go....i do 12litres and its approx 1ml to get it where i need it so do bit by bit so u dont need to use PH up but make sure u get some of both.
I only mix my nutes in 2 litre drinks bottles, have nothing bigger at the minute. if it on ly takes you 1ml to get it down with 12 litres im not gonna need much in 2 litre bottles am i?...


Active Member
then you will only need a few drops that means go very easy - few drops then PH test few drops then ph test etc etc your bottle of PH up/Down will last ages


Active Member
but i check daily and if under 5.7PH i leave one extra day BUT CHECK DAILY if you me get that right and the babies boom....