Bottom half of Plant is Dying


Well-Known Member
There is one light on the TOp HANGIN and One on the Wall.. THere my babys and they are dying. IM going to flush but i live in an apartment and need advice for that i just really want to have some successful Plants they looked so good just a little Tip burn that was it and all of a sudden the bottom dies and it is movin up to the top.. Doesn't look good at all HELPP...


New Member
Are you turning the plant so the sides get equal time at the light? Plant leaves will fall off if they aren't getting enough light. It just looks really dark at the bottom of that plant in the pics. The leaf stems look rubbery the way they are bent down.


Well-Known Member
Right where the light hits the plant all the time is getin the spots too.. And there getin ready to die Im going to take some better PIC right NOW I REALLY NEED HELP im about to CRY...


Well-Known Member
Can you not see my question? Is my vagina blocking it or something? You keep begging for help but not even acknowledging that I'm speaking to you.
hey missy its not your virgineer blocling him..
he does not answer mine eithier...and i don't have one...


New Member
IMO those bottom leaves aren't getting enough light. The way the leaves look rubbery and bent I would think lack of light. The plant needs light all the way around to grow, not just from the top.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Ok, Everyone. look at the soil. In all the pictures it is very wet. And in the first photo the leafs are dropping and dieing. They are over watered, and probably have root rot.

How often are you watering them? Try letting the soil totally dry out before you even water.

I can under water my plants to where they are wilting, add a little water, 1-2 hours later they are no longer wilting. But if I have them wilting from over watering, it will later 3-4 days to correct.

Get some Hygrozyme, Or SenisZyme or another brand of the Zyme product to help with your roots.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think you need supplemental lighting for the bottom. It does look like you have some nutrition burn and you need to transplant soon. I suggest getting CFL lights and adding lamps to the side or you can add tubes on the side.


Well-Known Member
Should i Flush and get some Hygrozyme, Or SenisZyme or another brand of the Zyme product beacuse i need something I turn the Pot around and i let it dry some times too.. I don't know what hygrozyme is and where to get it from..

I still have not flushed. Can i Use fosit water its not well water.. Beacuse i don't have enought water to flush it with GOOD water..


New Member
If you are using fertilizer and you let the soil dry out the fertilizer is left sitting in your soil burning your roots and plant. I never could understand why people on here say to let the plants dry out between waterings. That is just asking for trouble when fertilizing. If I stick my finger in my soil and it doesn't feel moist I water. I know I'm on my first weed grow but I've been growing all sorts of other things for over 20 years now and a plant is a plant. Some principals hold true no matter what kind of plant it is.

I'd say get more lights, the bottom part of the plant wants just as much light as the top part is getting. Go ahead and flush it just to rinse out that soil and start new. Use just plain water for a week or two then when starting fertilizer don't use so much and don't let the soil dry out.

Me and my plants are pulling for you.


Well-Known Member
I REALLY appreciate it man.. I going to do everything You said man.DId u see my fert is that alright to use i use like a tsp. of it in a gallon.


New Member
Well you need to do an emergency flush so it probably won't hurt. I let my water sit out for a good 3 days before I use it, so the crap can evaporate out of it.

I didn't see the fertilizer, but those are a matter of opinion. Cut back to 1/4 tsp or less per gallon but for a week or two I'd let it rest with no fertilizer just using plain water.