bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow n pale

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Your soil looks soaking wet, so I would let it dry out b4 watering again for one. Also make sure you are checking your ph of your water. What soil are you using? And what is the damage to the lower leaves, the holes?


Active Member
those lower leaves always yellow and fall off but it looks like you need some perlit in the mix get it in there or expect probs


yea i just watered it and the holes are from some bugs a while ago but i this spray on do i check the ph and im using some kind of potty soil


Active Member
Perlite Perlite Perlite
I swear anyone looking at my recent posts would think I work for the people selling the damn stuff but i don't.
Pinky promise.
But seriously perlite is the greatest thing i got for my plants, made my life and my girls lives alot easier.

I agree with Howard stern, soil looks sopping. let it dry out. I find my plants react much better to under-watering then over watering.
theres a phrase i see often round here. 'remember its a weed your growing'

Wouldnt worry to much about the disclouration but would be nice to have some more info.
best of luck.
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what can i do to get rid of the red stems
red? i thought they were turning yellow?
red can be indicative of a deficiency of a minor nutrient or mineral, cant recall exactly, could be an answer here :

or here:

i have copies of the top one everywhere, in terms of things to research when growing weed this is top of the pile in my opinion.

'jman23' is also right about the genetics, for example im growing a Sweet Deep Grape Fruit and a Moby Dick atm that are deep purple in places yet the plants themselves are doing wonderfully.
There really is alot of strain specific information you want to have to complete a really sucessful grow. (not saying you cant get good results with say, bag seed)
You need perlite. How big is your pot? What kind of nutes are you using? And how old is this plant? It looks a bit young for this kind of damage... Is this your first grow?


Active Member
this is normal, as a plant grows larger more of its nutrients are used to grow at the top. this almost always happens its not a big deal but keep a close eye on them just incase and let us know if any other discoloration occors and we will be glad to help you my friend =)

mighty g

those lower leaves always yellow and fall off but it looks like you need some perlit in the mix get it in there or expect probs
I think vermiculite(fine ground) works better than perlite,but thats for my vegatables.perlite is cheaper though.