Bottom leaves are yellowing - help!


Well-Known Member
They are either in newt lockout, or you have not feed them enough. I went to the same thing before take a look at the pic below
If you are trying to feed them with organic material it takes at the minimal one week for the bacteria to form to feed the plants. If you're doing liquid newts you definitely need to mix some to feed them


Well-Known Member
Gives us more detail AND take pics under NORMAL LIGHT.


Stagreen can run bagged mixes of inconsistent blends. I tried running it on a few grows. Its prefertilized ( think miracle grow ) but noticeable bark and debris. I found you have to rope in the ph BEFORE watering/ feeding ( 6.5 ish ) . It would drift a bit. But also adding MORE FERT on top of a controlled release fertilized soil can overwhelm that plant. Its definitely stressed.

IMO i would stop that feeding “ every other day “ business as it has probably hyper loaded the soil.
I would run controlled PH watering instead ( when actually dry ) not on a schedule. Blurple / led grows can cause uptake issues since plants transpire less than other light systems like HPS. You water less often , spread out. Add Calmag to keep things purring along when under blurple , it becomes a necessity at times.

Let that plant acclimate to the excess already introduced and feed only off of medium.


Well-Known Member
This is what if done so far: raised the light to about 15-20inches, boiled eggshells and added Epsom salt, letting the soil dry out right now. The top leaves are curling in and has kinda a purple tint on the back. Also they are rusting at the tip. The bottom leaves are getting black spots everywhere. View attachment 4496507View attachment 4496509View attachment 4496508
You're going to overdose them on CalMag using eggshells and epsom salts together, you only need the epsom salts. And they need some Nitrogen. Coffee grounds would have been a better alternative. Get some good bottle nutes. Ionic is good.


New Member
how long should I let them dry out for before watering again
Let them dry out for a few days until the leaves feel soft and flexible then give them light watering and repeat. If the leaves feel hard and stiff the plant is overwatered


New Member
here’s an update guys. I think she’s recovering. I switched the light back to blue instead of purple to see if it makes a difference. The ph of my water is around 6.8 or lower when I water. Temp ranges from 68f to 80ish. Humidity around 40% up.