bottom leaves yellowing and browning


Active Member
This is my first grow. I'm growing indoors in a little closet. Here are all the specifications:

Lights: a 65 watt cfl about 3 inches from the plants and 3 27 watt cfls about 2 inches from the plants
Soil: miracle grow
Fertilizer: Jacks Classic 30-10-10 at 1/4 strength every other week
Water: filtered tap water every 2-3 days

Here's the problem. There are three plants. They are about 3 1/2 weeks old and the lower leaves are starting to yellow on all of them and one of the is starting to brown also. The stem on the one that has the brown leaves is turning a little red. I think it might be nutrient lock out due to high ph. I tested the soil ph and it seemed a little high so ive been adding a little vinegar to the water to bring the ph down. Is the ph the problem or is it something else?


Elite Rolling Society
If no one answers this question, then BUMP it again, by asking again on this same thread.
Personally, I just don't know about soil growing.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
IDK but my buddy on this site rooter- is having a similar problem- in almost the exact same set up. You guys need to get together- very similar grows and similar time periods.

My bet- its no worry- if its bottom leaves- they are just going through a 'phase'. The plant is re-directing energy to get vertical growth- rather than horizontal bushyness. The energy hasnt been going to the bottom and they are getting sad. They will be just fine.