Bottom leaves yellowing and curling up, top leaves drooping?


Active Member
I do not have pics but my plants have been going great for 5 weeks into veg then all of a sudden I noticed that the bottom leaves on 2 of them were getting yellow. I know the two intitial leaves curl upand fall off, obviously that already happened. Over about a 2-3 day period the bottom sets of both leaves sgtarted turning yellow, then got completely yellow, then started curling toward the light. However, the top leaves stayed fine for the first 2 daysof the yellowing, then started to droop. Now all the leaves are drooping.

Any helpwould be greatly appreciated


Active Member
Is there any way you can get pics? Can you give some more info, like grow medium, ph, when you water, etc. my guess is over watering in the end but I can't be sure w/o info.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like 2 much nitrogen, or over-watering... Stop watering for 3 days. then Flush with just straight water and wait until the top layer about 3 inches down is dry before you water again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it could be to much nitrogen for the bottom leaves..but if the top leaves are dropping most likely over watering..but if you plant is very bushy its a posibliity that the bottom leaves arnt getting enough light so they just die off


Active Member
to flush a 3 gallon bucket it is best to use 2x as much water as soil so it would be 6 gallons to flush your pot


Well-Known Member
What kind of system are you using? What line of nutes? How often do you water? At what strength/ppm? What is your pH at? What strain are you growing? What kind of lighting do you use? How close is it to your plants? What is the relative humidity? Have you seen any bugs? -- these are just a few questions that need to be answered before someone can give you an ACCURATE diagnosis.

There is no way to possibly diagnose the problem with just the given information. If there is one thing I hate; it is people who try to give advice when clearly they have no fucking idea what they are talking about.

Yellow leaves would clearly be a nitrogen deficiency, not an overabundance.. That is pretty fuckin rookie. Curling leaves indicate pH problems or over fertilization, but if there is no nute burn, then probably just Mag deficiency, or nitrogen def, OR pH problems causing some sort of lock-out. BUT, as I said there is no way to diagnose with the information provided. A lot of people act like they know what they are talking about, for whatever reason...^^ I would find someone who has posted many threads, who actually knows what they are talking about, and seems friendly to people needing help.

It will be very difficult to get someone to properly diagnose your plant without pictures. good luck, and remember to stay away from people who are full of shit!

