bottom leaves yellowing.. any suggestions?

Yo whats up guys! Im a first time grower with a DWC and I am running into a little issue.. on one of my plants the bottom leaves are yellowing and are almost pale. The plants are all about 23 days old and I have them on the good ole 18/6. i had a problem earlier with slimy roots due to algae growing in the resovoir but scrubbed that clean and when I added some more nutes I also put in 10ml of H202. I also added an extra airstone w/ pump. On the same plant I also noticed burn spots on the a couple of the top leaves, this is probably due to the temp getting to 100 degrees one day but it usually hovers around 80-85. I have been using the recipe for success starter kit to the T. The other plants are looking good but I feel like they could be doing better. heres the setup im using

closet pc grow 28x21x8
grow area 2.55 cubic feet
output 200 watt overhead w/ 2x25watt t5.... 250 watt overall
irrigation 1.4 gallon DWC
ventilation 100 cfm front intake; 100 cfm + 200 cfm exhaust

2 on the left are white widow and one on right is just some dank.. tell me what you think
This one is yellowing (WW)

My favorite (WW) The one above's root The short WW root

Just the dank

The danks root


Well-Known Member
Give it cal mag water and lower the water level to the bottoms of the netcups. Should perk it right up. or invest in another airpump and lighting system
I already have 2 airstones and pumps and the lighting is about maxed out for so small of a space. The bottom leaves are almost pale, think I should cut em?


Well-Known Member
It's classic Nitrogen deficiency, all that shit the other guy said was bullshit. Just add more N to your nute mix, should be fine


It's classic Nitrogen deficiency,
He is right. Yeah for the yellowing leaves this is a common one and easy to spot. Dont cut the leaves let the plant eat the nutes out of it. The brownish spots and root rot looks like it could be heat stress. 85 is pushin it depending on how much fresh air exchange you have and what your stain wants. WWidow is going to want cool fresh air I know from experience. Also, what is the temp of your res water? Too warm in the res can cause root rot problems quickly.


Well-Known Member
you got root rot man. i had the same problem. the bottom leaves are like light green and start to yellow. and randomly, you will get nasty brown spots. your temperature is too high for your DWC reservoir. keep it around 65-68 use some frozen water bottles to chill the water. high temp makes water deoxygenated and promotes pythium growth. get one of those water circulators at walmart with O2 injection, aim the water nozzle at the surface of the reservoir. surface waters are oxygen rich and your plants need oxygen. get some hygrozym/sensizym/cannazym for your root rot ASAP. and quarantine your plants before more shit happen to them. wash it down with peroxide and change your reservoir cold oxygen rich water. get some subculture B and M, they help protect roots in DWC conditions.