So, I finally got out of my cockroach infected dorms. Me and my girl found a little rent house, signed a 1 year lease, 295 a month! Great deal! Its well insulated, its in the shade, nice neighbors, stays cool inside, perfect for me and her. Carpet has a little bit of a musky smell, but its all good. Here is my new found problem. The past few nights, and even as I sit here, something has been scratching and clawing at my ceiling. It scuttles around too. I'm afraid its a squirell, because they are all over the place here, and I'm worried its going to scratch a hole in my ceiling, or start a big den up there. We have contacted the landlord and he said check for holes in the ceiling. I'm honestly pissed now because if there is a hole, its already too fkn late. Idk, it sounds creepy as hell, and i have seen WAY too many horror movies lol. any opinions on what i should do? Wait it out? Or let the critter chill in my attic? LOL...