Bought a scope today


Well-Known Member
Bought a scope today(yes that's the title) it was only 16 bucks, 100x magnification, works for what I wanted it for.... Poor bastard behing me in line was asking about what to use for spider mite infestation with only 3 weeks left till harvest, has his veg room and flower room seperated by just some sheeting, couldn't help but think, damn I'm glad I'm here for a scope and not that guy


Well-Known Member
I hope you showered & changed clothes before you visited your girls.
They can easily be transferred by humans.
Absolutely! Guy might as well have said he had aids that transferred by lice that had wings as far as I was concerned! My clothes are on my front porch and I went straight to my shower, haven't even been in my setup yet and it's water day!


Active Member
i wish i had that url of the fat guy in the hangover movies like cracking up under his breath right now......did u bleach the clothes and then burn them LOLOLOLOLOL