Bought feminized seed. But my lady is male?

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member
I am still fairly new to growing from seed. But how often does this happen?

During the "Skunk Train" giveaway that Attitude did last year. I ordered a FEMINIZED Dutch Passion Blueberry seed along with the "Skunk Train" seeds . My plan was to keep it in veg for a year... Then clone it.

Well last night I was pruning her, so that in a year I will be able to maximize my clone output.

But my little lady is a FUCKING MALE! I blame myself for not noticing earlier. I just took for granted that because it was a feminized seed, that she was a "she"!

How often does this happen? Could it be that they mixed it up & sold me a Blueberry that wasnt feminized? Or can my feminized flip into a male?

EDIT: The seed in question was not part of the free Skunk Train. The Dutch Passion Blueberry I paid for.



Well-Known Member
Nah they fucked up.......not the first i hear of this with their freebies........well only one thing you can do.......harvest some male pollen and start breeding or just choppity chop chop away..

Brick Top

New Member
While the feminization process works well it is not 100% so a rare male seed will show up and if yours was pure/straight male and not a hermi there is a chance that is what caused it. The much greater chance though is someone made a packaging error at some point, mixed up a few beans or something and you ended up with something unexpected.

Did you politely mention it to where you purchased the beans from? If you do, and if you do it nicely you may be sent a replacement or if nothing else a small discount on another order. It never hurts to ask, as long as you come out like honey instead of vinegar.

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member
While the feminization process works well it is not 100% so a rare male seed will show up and if yours was pure/straight male and not a hermi there is a chance that is what caused it. The much greater chance though is someone made a packaging error at some point, mixed up a few beans or something and you ended up with something unexpected.

Did you politely mention it to where you purchased the beans from? If you do, and if you do it nicely you may be sent a replacement or if nothing else a small discount on another order. It never hurts to ask, as long as you come out like honey instead of vinegar.

I havent contacted the seed company yet. Im sure they will take care of me in this issue. Everything that I have read is that they are good people.

But Im assed out of 5 months of grow time. This sucks balls. And the worst part is that the Dutch Passion Blueberry isnt available on their site anymore :((


Well-Known Member
I am still fairly new to growing from seed. But how often does this happen?

During the "Skunk Train" giveaway that Attitude did last year. I ordered a FEMINIZED Dutch Passion Blueberry seed along with the "Skunk Train" seeds . My plan was to keep it in veg for a year... Then clone it.

Well last night I was pruning her, so that in a year I will be able to maximize my clone output.

But my little lady is a FUCKING MALE! I blame myself for not noticing earlier. I just took for granted that because it was a feminized seed, that she was a "she"!

How often does this happen? Could it be that they mixed it up & sold me a Blueberry that wasnt feminized? Or can my feminized flip into a male?

EDIT: The seed in question was not part of the free Skunk Train. The Dutch Passion Blueberry I paid for.

Have grown numerous fem seeds and would say DP fems are much hermie prone, did get one full male from Dp sk11, the rest were hermie. Some strains more prone than others, blueberry is notorious hermie. Strains with Thai in the cross can have sex issues. C99 never hermies. Personally, i'll not be ordering anymore DutchPassion anything.


Well-Known Member
Emailed Attitude on Monday. Its now Wednesday.

They will eventually respond.........I had a prob with dp blueberry bean before.....I emailed them as well and it took about a week for the prob was that the bean was cracked......they sent me another one to a different address 3 times so i gave up and forgot about it.......I still order from them though.....I have got good beans from them....


New Member
ive been breeding for over 30 years, and feminized seeds are NEVER 100% FEMINIZED.

there are alot of variables. generally, if the hermed female seeds herself, youll get generally a 98%+ female rate. if you use the pollen from the hermed plant to seed ANOTHER DIFFERENT female , your percentage generally drops some.

also remeber that your germinating conditions/stress will play a part also.


Well-Known Member
Have grown numerous fem seeds and would say DP fems are much hermie prone, did get one full male from Dp sk11, the rest were hermie. Some strains more prone than others, blueberry is notorious hermie. Strains with Thai in the cross can have sex issues. C99 never hermies. Personally, i'll not be ordering anymore DutchPassion anything.
Mikey, Luvtogrow speaks the truth. Dutch Passion is notorious for hermies. I wouldn't buy anything feminized from them. Hell, I wouldn't buy feminized in the first place.

On a side note, why on earth are you trying to veg a plant a year before taking clones? You can do that in less than a month. There's no reason to wait so long. Get your ass in gear and grow some bud :)

If you're still interested in Blueberry, go with the breeder of it(DJ Shorts). It'll be more expensive, but at least you wont be dealing with a breeder known for hermies.