Bought LED board

So apparently I have a 1 k ohm resistor. I read that I can take my digital multimeter and measure the FV of the LED with it in the ohm setting. Connected it and that led lit up a little bit but the display on the meter only read 1.

You could try the diode test function on your meter. I have fast forwarded this video to the steps you could try. It may or may not work.

Did it again and it went up to 119. I can't grasp these things with the materials at hand. The terms are befuddling me. I berate myself alot but I don't consider myself unteachable I just haven't found the right path to knowledge on this
Hi guys I posted something a short while ago but it got lost to the ages so to speak. I bid on an assembled board that has 378 diodes and is labeled as a 135 watt board. It needs a driver, a frame or heatsink. It is just a board with diodes. If I got a constant current driver would 100 watt be too soft? This diy electrical is VERY new to me but posts here have been informative even if I only understand less than half of it. I hope it will go as simply as it seems, haven't gotten the board yet should be here the 16th and I would like to have other components I really NEED aluminum heatsink stuff and if so can I buy this in what, specific dimensions?
Do you happen to know the brand of the board ot the diodes? Are they daylight white?
If you're still messing with that board i'm willing to help.

Honestly, i don't think you'll get MUCH output from the red diodes, but they will definitely help. And you can definitelly try to just run the whites, and it will for sure grow bud
The ones on question at red sapphire phosphor. Heka brand diodes. The board is unfinished from a company called DB Cooper horticultural lighting or some.....
Has this company taken your money and seemingly disappeared from the face of the Earth?

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No. The story goes something like "owner got sick" and "liquidated inventory" . Not quoting the 2nd but that's the gist of it. Seller on eBay auctioned this off and here I am. Little info, other than what I posted earlier in the thread. Have (1 )100 watt 24 volt mean well driver for 1 circuit apparently. Still need to power reds. Would like to use the board as the photo shows: 2 drivers. Info just says 135 watt board. Seller said 100 watt driver but he only knows what we know. Shared all he could. I keep assuming 35 watt driver but I don't know crap..output? 12 volt
@eyderbuddy I will appreciate anybody that gets me closer to a functioning flower and veg light. Are you knowlegable on these technical things? Experienced?
@end_of_the_tunnel This is the setting I used with a 1k ohm resistor and the display read .4. Mean anything? Make sense?

Hi Aapoo, turn that dial two more notches to the "20" setting. What voltage is the supply you are using with the tester and 1K resistor?

Also you could try like demonstrated in the last video. Post 81 at top of page. Do not need the 1K or power/battery for that. Try switching probes round when in this setting to find polarity/anode/cathode. One way current will pass and other way will not. Watch the video and try replicate.

aapooo tester diode function.pngaapooo tester diode function.png
When I use the diode setting it lights up and reads 1795blablabla...for a second. Doesn't light up much tho no decimal point on that #
When I put it on this setting I get 1585 today and goes down to 1. Tried a number of times and got numbers all similar to that IMG_20200823_104852835.jpg
Sorry Aapoo, where are you placing your probes? What voltage is your supply? Can you trace out the circuit for your red diodes?
I put the probes on the soldered sides of the LED's, in their appropriate directions. (Neg-pos) It's too bad we couldn't do a video chat. This was the diode function so no additional source. They are in series.
I put the probes on the soldered sides of the LED's, in their appropriate directions. (Neg-pos) It's too bad we couldn't do a video chat. This was the diode function so no additional source. They are in series.
Oh. And the diodes are numbered in the direction of current, I believe @end_of_the_tunnel