Bountiful Precipitation and Full Reservoirs in California

I already showed you the graph, ice is higher now than 15 years ago. You are just 100% brainwashed by fake news like a good NPC


It just shows that I already won the argument, you are completely unhinged and reliant on fake news.
Sea ice? Explain how sea ice validates the climate denial argument. Cite a peer reviewed paper please.
yes, thats how it works. The reservoirs are full/overflowing, there is no more drought. they are ABOVE average capacity lol

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Feds announce initial Central Valley Project water allocation. Westlands isn’t pleased

I'd try cooking some ski tow ropes with a canoe and maybe a touch oil film for a truly healthy meal.

Perhaps the corporations will set you straight.

It never got below-38 here last win. I’m a 2 hour drive from the Arctic Circle. Usually we hit -60 for a week. -40 is considered normal at night with daytime temperatures of -10 to 0. We got virtually no snow. A high pressure system formed early over the Gulf of Alaska and forced most of the cold temperatures and moisture South. Filling the reservoirs of California. Dumping huge amounts of snow inland. 155% of normal snowpack for Colorado. Incredible. It is predicted to be a historic year for runoff to the Rio Grande River. Which is virtually dry from October until April. Dry. No water. Cyclone blizzard hitting the Front Range of the Rockies and hauling east where it overwhelmed ranchers and farmers killing thousands of head of livestock. Then warming quickly to flood. Especially Iowa and Nebraska. But @squarepush3r has his head so far up conservative ass he’s fighting for air. Yet he posts.
and it ain't a fit night out for man or beast.
It never got below-38 here last win. I’m a 2 hour drive from the Arctic Circle. Usually we hit -60 for a week. -40 is considered normal at night with daytime temperatures of -10 to 0. We got virtually no snow. A high pressure system formed early over the Gulf of Alaska and forced most of the cold temperatures and moisture South. Filling the reservoirs of California. Dumping huge amounts of snow inland. 155% of normal snowpack for Colorado. Incredible. It is predicted to be a historic year for runoff to the Rio Grande River. Which is virtually dry from October until April. Dry. No water. Cyclone blizzard hitting the Front Range of the Rockies and hauling east where it overwhelmed ranchers and farmers killing thousands of head of livestock. Then warming quickly to flood. Especially Iowa and Nebraska. But @squarepush3r has his head so far up conservative ass he’s fighting for air. Yet he posts.
Damn, you live in a challenging environment.
Damn, you live in a challenging environment.
The funny part? This is the reddest state in the country. They stumble over each other trying to “out-conservative” the next conservative. Republican’s Republicans. Yet every single politician is on board with climate change. Maybe not on man having a huge impact. But they all recognize it’s happening. It’s hard to deny when you sink to your knees in muck that for thousands of years has been frozen. When traditional Yupik and Inuit villages have been relocated due to coastal erosion from water that just doesn’t freeze like it used to. Then to listen to some butthead like squarepusher blab out his ass? Ridiculous.
Sea ice? Explain how sea ice validates the climate denial argument. Cite a peer reviewed paper please.
its basic common sense, if the northern hemisphere ice levels are the same today as in 2005, then the fake news about climate change that you believe is easily disproved.
its basic common sense, if the northern hemisphere ice levels are the same today as in 2005, then the fake news about climate change that you believe is easily disproved.
“This results from the high reflectivity (albedo) of the sea ice compared to ice-free waters. A satellite-based data record starting in late 1978 shows that indeed rapid changes have been occurring in the Arctic, where the ice coverage has been declining at a substantial rate. In contrast, in the Antarctic the sea ice coverage has been increasing although at a lesser rate than the decreases in the Arctic. ”
“This results from the high reflectivity (albedo) of the sea ice compared to ice-free waters. A satellite-based data record starting in late 1978 shows that indeed rapid changes have been occurring in the Arctic, where the ice coverage has been declining at a substantial rate. In contrast, in the Antarctic the sea ice coverage has been increasing although at a lesser rate than the decreases in the Arctic. ”
I doubt our resident flat earther trust NASA