Boveda and Curing? Thoughts?


So I am during my curing process for my plants. I have used boveda packs for curing before, after about 2 weeks of initial curing, but what are people's thoughts on using them immediately from the start of curing? Do you still need to burb them occasionally, or as often, if the humidity is consistent? Anyone's thoughts, preferably those who are more pros and those who have tried it, would be appreciated.

Personally not a fan. I had two jars of the same flower, used a Boveda 62 in one jar but not the other; i just liked the burn quality and moisture level of the non-Boveda jar when grinding a bud. I felt like the non-Boveda buds were just a smidge louder in aroma as well. Just my 2 cents. When both jars were empty, i cut open the Boveda and it REEKED of the herb it accompanied which could be why people say they "steal" terpenes.
It’s for long term storage mostly - for product “ already rh stable “ . Boveda and Integra are two way push pull moisture packs.
They don’t cure your product , just maintain it ( in storage ). Much easier to do regular burp and rh step down then maintain it without a pack ( hygrometer in jar ).

My opinion….. if you consume your harvest “ fresh “ from harvest ( dried ) within a couple weeks , you are wasting money.
if you “ store “ and want extended cure then that’s what their real job is. Have a few jars running 5 months with packs. Actually I think you will like the 58’s better than 62’s. Many growers prefer their own RH ( 55 - 62 ) .

Better option to adding pack for moisture …….. add a large fan leaf.
You shouldn't need Boveda for curing. I'd only use Boveda for long term storage. It doesn't "steal" terpenes, what happens is if your herb is stored in an area that's too hot, the very volatile esters will off gas easily whether you have Boveda pack in there or not.
Only if you're dealing with extremely dry conditions. A Coleman cooler in the corner of the basement keeps it ~60/60 here.
Big fan of Bovedas for storage! This is my 4th year of using them, no terpene loss in my experience and I also prefer the 58s so that the bud burns the way I like it.
Curing doesn't need any type of humidity control.. The process IS humidity control. That said, I have heard good things about these CVault for long term storage, that has a built in Boveda RH pack holder in the lid...
I have some jars almost a year old with 62s in them, they work great just dry and cure then throw a pack in.

I’ll also agree with a couple other people, I regret buying 62s now. They’re just a little bit too wet and the bud doesn’t smoke right. I’m going for 58 next time.