Boy Oh Boy, Please Help!!!


Well-Known Member
okay this is my first grow and just like asshole man i put seeds in the same cup. I got the germinating process down to a science with a 100% success rate. I had three seeds sprouting in the same cup, one i had planted on the seventh of May and the other two on the tenth. everything was going well today until i decided that i was going to replant them in a pot with enough space for all three(dumb idea). okay, this is the deal the one i planted on the seventh was way ahead of the the other two. i went to check on them a few minutes ago and it went limp on me. So, this is what i did, i carefully dug her up and found that probably due to the replanting the root had a U in it(probably from filling the pot up with soil only up to the bottoms of the leaves from the other to plants in the pot which were much shorter). I've always been a quick thinker when the pressure is on and this is what i did. I feed the plants aquafina, i open a new bottle(room temperature) put some miracle grow liquid plant food 8-7-6 in the bottle about ten drops, put a plastic baggy over the top cut a small hole through the top and put the root in the water leaving just the flower poking out of the top. outside of the U in the root, the flower and root are beautiful. the root is full and firm from top to bottom, white in color, so, i'm pretty sure there aren't any deficiencies in with the plant. My question is what the hell do i do next, and can i replant it and how?


Well-Known Member
the only way to find out is to plant it and see what happens!
i would definitely say (not sure how many you have left) but plant them all in separate containers. I used pots 6inches in diameter this way they have plenty of time to grow and get really strong before i need to replant into larger 1-3gallon pots.

I dont know that i would keep feeding it miracle grow yet since that will probably do more harm than good in the end. plant it. keep it moist (get a moisture test probe. they are like $6 bucks) and have some good lights! :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info superhigh, so just replant it you say. i got the idea of putting it into water from a cloning technique i saw without using a rooting agent. one question i have though is when i do replant should i make sure the soil is right up to the top of the stem?


Well-Known Member
one more question. should i keep her out of the light or should i continue to keep her on the regular light cycle?


Well-Known Member
keep the lights on no matter what since its veg phase here. 24/0 is best imo.

and plant the plant just like any other normal plant. I mean get the roots in a good amount. make them covered. plant it enough to be sturdy (so that when watered the plant isnt just going to flop over.


Well-Known Member
thanks again superhigh, you've been extremely helpful. I'm going to replant her around breakfast time.