Boy or Girl - Help Me Sex, pics provided


Active Member
Hey everyone,

I'm about 10 days into 12/12 and I'm trying to sex some plants. Since this is my first time I wanted to check here before I toss out those that I think are males.

I’d greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment and review some of the attached pics.

I hope that it is too early to tell, because my instinct is telling me they are all males.

There are 8 pics to each of 4 different plants. The captions indicate which plant they belong to. If you need better pics please let me know.

Your help is much appreciated


and if anyone has any good uses for males please let me know:-(



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone
and if anyone has any good uses for males please let me know:-(
save the pollen if it's a premo strain otherwise grow em as big as you want before they dump there load and extract the oil out of the dried leaves with ISO if your really desperate. Top growth is reasonably potent BTW


Active Member
There pics were of 4 plants (two pics per plant). Out of 5 plants I'm growing I only ended up with one female. I had a feeling I should have planted more, oh well. At least now I can clone her.

How long do I have before I should get rid of them. Is it worth keeping them for top growth? I'm just worried about them pollinating the female.

Thanks again,



Active Member
all males, that is tough luck. Clones, clones, clones and more clones, can't say it enough. Clone that one mother and just replace the males with those.