Boy or Girl... Thats the question...

Okay everyone... Still very new to this. and have a couple of questions...

below are some pics of my plants I have been growing for a little bit. looks like they may be doing okay.


Now are the ones above ready to clone to see if they are females? and if so, what is the best way to do so? BTW, the strains above are AK-48 and Master Kush

The pics below are AK-48 that I had started a little bit ago as well, but looks alot diff than the others. it also is WAY to tall for me right now. Is there anything I can do for it as well? besides find out if its a girl???

please let me know, I have built a stealth box for veg which will be done very soon.
it is 48" long 20" wide 32" high
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I am also building a Bloom box.( I guess thats what you call it) which is 48" long X 25" wide X 48" high


Just thought I would give you alll the info ...

Okay, Now... HELP ME... lol

All advice is appreciated... Need to be guided in the propper way to do this...

Thanks in advance...


Well-Known Member
suppercrop,take all side shoots below suppercrop,clone them,
make sure to mark them.that should help you out.


Active Member
IMO the easiest way to clone for sexing purposes is to cut a small clone, put it in a glass of water and give it 12/12 for a week or two. It will reveal its sex and possibly sprout roots.
okay... First, I don't know what supercrop is... lol (newbie)

But i am looking for an easy way to see whixh are my girls. Then I will start doin whatever I need to do , to get some clones started.

Now, if I cut a clone, and put it in water, will it survive? or do I need to aerate the water with a stone, etc...

And... on the plants you see, where would be the best place to cut these? Now, these will be my moms, if any are female... do not want to hurt them, etc... in the process.

Again thanks to all who can give me a heads up... Already including thalboy & genuity...