boy or girl???

Hi all,

This is my second attempt at growing. The last batch got stressed and switched sexes in the middle of flowering (spider mites), so I am a little nervous that I might have screwed this batch up too. The pics below are from a plush berry clone I bought from the dispensary around 7 weeks ago. My question is, do these look like male or female plants? :?:

Thank you everyone. Yeah, I felt sure that the upper flower with hairs was female, but the two little ball ones down had me worried.


It did look a bit as if it may have came from a plant that had started going into it's flowering stage,,, not that thats all bad. Chit happens,, Now come the harder news,,,, Since it seems like it came from a plant that had started to reach flowering stage, your plant will be Stunted for a bit. Wouldn't hurt to foliage feed it about one a week,,, and if it says " 1 teaspoon a Gal" it means that. Its easy to burn with foliage feeding,,,, Some will say once a week,,, some say every other week,,, I am a fan of Fox Farms and I would use the Grow big, but you might want to ask someone who grows in your state.. Where you live in the world also dictates how you should grow and what minerals it may need,,, some places in US have Great ground water for growing,,, Kentucky is one. Also The greatest killier of all plant eating bugs are " Lady Bugs! and you can order them off the internet . No more spider mites! :-) Have a Good one!!

By the way, A lot of people dont even think about this: but Bee's are not the only insect that pollinates plants, wasps, flys, moths and about anything that can fly. So maybe they didnt change,, they just got pollinaed. Beause they don't change from female to male,,,,, some are just a tad bit tricky to tell,, most times if the little hairs are crossed,,like a womans legs,them 85% of time female. sreading away from eachoth , male. Now I have had 3 or 4 hermaphrdite plants in the over 30 yrs of growingn believe it or not, if you can seal it up away from the rest of your crop, their really good plants to make hash out of,,, or even a good pain relieving alcohol rub. Just a tab bit of info I have learned in 30 years of trial and error. :idea:
This all sounds like such sweet news to this old fart newbie. Thank you all for the wisdom, it was badly needed. Starbro, interesting comment about the lady bugs. I went to all the nurseries to buy some, but they all said to come back in the spring. I will try and find some online.

Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
1) female
2) female
3) female

Look at picture #2. Notice a half-inch past your fingernail and see the small growth with 2 whispy 1/2-inch hairs
sticking out. Those 2 hairs are the answer: female.
