Boycott China Olympics


Well-Known Member
they say when your prsident or prime minister says that he is above the law means that you are living in a facist country. I think that the people in america need to deal with real issues like who is running your country for one and not about gay marriage and other dumb shit politicians talk about to avoid the real problems at hand in there very own backyard/country. you know if you guys keep goin like this with the war america will be a third world country in our life time? if you don't believe me then why is your amercian dollar goin down???

P.S. this thread should have been in politics... boycott china olympics, pffft... boycott US nukes or US invasions, bring your troops home in ONE piece!! the reason why US want to control oil is because they can't run there toys and gagdets without it and if america had a bicker with a country all US would have to do is sieze all oil shipments to that country so they have no choice but to cooperate. and no offense but 9/11 is a joke because 1 terror attack the world knows about it cuz it happend in states, how about all the terror attacks that happen everywhere else in the world that happens everyday where your CNN don't bother to show. Just like how the americans didn't like it when the al quada were showing dead american soldiers on tv but fuckin hypocrytes american are allowed to show and boast how many iraqis they blew up. Is this fair?

so ignorant.... so naive... so sad.


Well-Known Member
for the record i dont think we won vietnam...nor do i feel we're winning iraq/afghanistan....actually can i just say we're losing big time.....

but me, I'm still a winner, even my mom thinks I'm cool.


Well-Known Member
Must you bash the US? I don't go bashing other countries. Because it's silly. What does it accomplish? Does it make you feel better to sit here and look down on us for being American? I hope it does SOMETHING for you, as worked up as you're getting over it...


Well-Known Member
Must you bash the US? I don't go bashing other countries. Because it's silly. What does it accomplish? Does it make you feel better to sit here and look down on us for being American? I hope it does SOMETHING for you, as worked up as you're getting over it...

Im not bashing, I like America, Bush sucks, but i still like America, cuz ...well dont tell'm American:mrgreen:

no need to blame Americans and call us stupid, we all know the government sucks, but thanks for reiterating what we already know, really that makes us really happy.


Well-Known Member
and another thing that proves war is money to america, IBM's 1st computer was used for the jews at concentration camps, the numbers that were tatooed on there arms were for the ibm pc's. each number meant something like for example: 1 meant gay, 2 jew 3 to be moved to another camp or 4 to be executed, 5 where you came from and balh blah blah. ibm made millions, US tried to find every excuse in the book to join WW 1 and 2... china support nazi regime what the fuck are you smoking? what propaganda are you reading? china does not support no outsiders especially whites. why do you think Mao closed the doors to all outsiders for 50yrs!


Well-Known Member
Im not bashing, I like America, Bush sucks, but i still like America, cuz ...well dont tell'm American:mrgreen:

no need to blame Americans and call us stupid, we all know the government sucks, but thanks for reiterating what we already know, really that makes us really happy.
I know alot of you are americans but I know alot of americans waking up too but you think everyone knows this? I bet you didn't even know this till 9/11 asking why they hate us? I don't bash no one or any country but why you want to boycott china olympics? thats not bashing?

ok so exactly you guys say bush sucks but he was elected twice!!!! and you say everyone knows? who is bashing other countries more than US right now? you bash us first then you wonder why I bash you? for every action there is reaction. and you might know all this but the guy that posted this certainly did not.

its exactly what Bill Maher said that I agree with " I don't hate america, I'm just embaressed by it"

lots of good pot came from states like skunk#1, bubblegum, hashplant, the Barrett 50. cal sniper rifle, the law where you can shoot anyone on your property and ask questions later. the american people I know are cool and down to earth and actually agree with everything I say, the truth hurts I know and it wasn't to bash it was to let others that DIDN"T know know so they think twice of adding things like this.

you thnk I like the free tibet thing? I'm chinese too, but there are 2 sides 1 is tibet wants freedom to practice falun gong and not be controlled by china and be persecuted for there religion china once praised in 1992. but lets say tibet gets free, 1, they do not have military and whats not to stop someone like russia or a country like germany to take it over? you think china will help after that? 2. if tibet gets freed. all other provinces will want to follow siut and destabilize china, what america wants.

how good is your politic history? mines not great but I know that my kung fu is greater than yours if you thoiught I was bashing. you even said yourself you hate bush. even your presidential candidate ron paul says the same thing I say and he is american from texas to boot!!! same with Obama. tell me I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
I know alot of you are americans but I know alot of americans waking up too but you think everyone knows this? I bet you didn't even know this till 9/11 asking why they hate us? I don't bash no one or any country but why you want to boycott china olympics? thats not bashing?

ok so exactly you guys say bush sucks but he was elected twice!!!! and you say everyone knows? who is bashing other countries more than US right now? you bash us first then you wonder why I bash you? for every action there is reaction. and you might know all this but the guy that posted this certainly did not.

its exactly what Bill Maher said that I agree with " I don't hate america, I'm just embaressed by it"

lots of good pot came from states like skunk#1, bubblegum, hashplant, the Barrett 50. cal sniper rifle, the law where you can shoot anyone on your property and ask questions later. the american people I know are cool and down to earth and actually agree with everything I say, the truth hurts I know and it wasn't to bash it was to let others that DIDN"T know know so they think twice of adding things like this.

you thnk I like the free tibet thing? I'm chinese too, but there are 2 sides 1 is tibet wants freedom to practice falun gong and not be controlled by china and be persecuted for there religion china once praised in 1992. but lets say tibet gets free, 1, they do not have military and whats not to stop someone like russia or a country like germany to take it over? you think china will help after that? 2. if tibet gets freed. all other provinces will want to follow siut and destabilize china, what america wants.

how good is your politic history? mines not great but I know that my kung fu is greater than yours if you thoiught I was bashing. you even said yourself you hate bush. even your presidential candidate ron paul says the same thing I say and he is american from texas to boot!!! same with Obama. tell me I'm wrong.
You're wrong.

First of all, I didn't start this thread, I disagreed with the idea of boycotting the olympics. Secondly, I didn't bash you. Am I personally responsible for my government? NO! Did I vote for Bush? FUCK no! Do I think the election was rigged and we have absolutely no control over our government, you bet!

What do you want me to do about it? What will make you happy? What will make you just STOP trashing my country? I'm sorry we're a super power, I didn't do it, it's not my fault.

I don't even read your posts when all you do is spew crap about the US. Why don't you start a thread where you can bash the US to your heart's content and I won't have to see your posts taking up space....


Well-Known Member
then why you argueing with me whenI am agreeing everything you say? even stormfront agrees and I respect him for saying that. I know you didn't start this thread, it was for the guy that didn't do his homework that started the thread not you or stormfront.and oh ya read my thread before you bash me. assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. and I defend amercians like you that agree with me and know whats really goin on but for some reason your againste me even though we on the same side. what kind of pot you smoking hook me up. read before you make a fool out of yourself man.
what do I want you or people to do about it?! EDUCATE YOURSELVES!!!!! RESEARCH READ, DON'T JUST LISTEN TO WHAT FOX AND CNN TELL YOU. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO THE BILDERBERG GROUP IS? OR SEEN ALEX JONES DOCUMENTARIES, "TERRORSTORM AND ENDGAME? watch mark dice "beauty VS. brains and you tell me everyone knows this? most of the people in america don't even know when the next presidential election is or when the declaration of independance signed. And yes I agree with you presidents are not elected, they are already pre-elected. politics is just to make people think we have a choice but in reality we don't.