Boycott hydro in California

The title of this thread should have been:

People, stop using all that water mmkay! Aeroknow is trying to catch his first BIG winter run steelhead of the new year!
I hope you all get the rain you need so bad. I hear it is pretty overdue.

And even though I live in Colorado, I'm boycotting CA hydro because I like this thread so much.
The subject is fine, how is conserving water inappropriate? Thinking boycotting hydro a logical manner of aiding the subject however, is absurd.
thanks to the people that take things seriously. It's easy to deny, rationalize, or humor life's problems. Those are all very basic responses to real-life issues that are very difficult to confront for some.

Defense mechanisms aside, I feel a little let down. For once, I'm not proud for cannabis, or the culture she creates.

Hey buddy apparently you really don't understand, we as a community take the environment very seriously...that's just one of the reasons that I myself moved to the country and live on 10 acres, is to grow all my food (and smoke) and raise anything else I need, cause I'll know what's in it...I also might mention that my entire spread is off the in complete solar power...we had some windmills for alternate power, but didn't like the cavitating sound it made...whoop, whoop, whoop...naw, I'll stick to solar thanks...and as for water I have a well sunk 2,300ft in the ground...and hey how about this...we also recycle, plastic, (paper goes in the fire places) and all food scraps go into the mulch ben and gets used in the veggie garden in spring...BUT...we are stoners and love to have fun and to be right honest it's killin' my buz, so now I have to smoke another fatty, thanks for giving me an excuse, like I need one :blsmoke:
I run hydro and I only do a res change once every other Saturday so twice a month and use about 40 gallons every change than a gallon or so a day to top off and that's not much compared to a lot of women or people who take a bath every night. So not too bad if people aren't changing there res every other day, seems to me like soil growers with a big garden would use more or close to people who do hydro
Dude, this is the equivalent of telling people to stop exercising to offset global warming because they create too much CO2 by breathing hard. I use 100 gallons a week for my grow - that is the same as filling up one average bath tub. One. That makes changing the res the least water consuming activity in most households. You'd save more water not flushing number 1's.
There's no shortage where I live... I support the righteous cause of water conservation but what do you expect? you live in the desert, brah, move north and/or east if you want easier access to water