Well-Known Member
if you deport illegal aliens back to w/e, sure, it might help reduce water use in wherever they were at before deportation, but it's not like just because you sent some people back to say mexico, those people will no longer need or use water..
or do you just say eff it, let mexico worry about that?? doesn't seem like a very friendly way of solving a water crisis imvho..
Yes, but their standard of living is generaly much higher hear than where they came from, Most illegal imigrants come from either the very rural farm/homesteads or the ghetos.
Mexico and south -pretaining to illegal immigrants
Bathing is usualy done in rain water or the river/lake
Irrigation is usually from rivers
bathing - domestic water
Irrigation - wells / river / rain / domestic
Lawn -(mandated in many places) domestic
Car/truck wash- domestic
toilet - domestic