

Active Member
Okay so my plants are just beginning their second week of flowering they are 8 weeks from seed and I found 3 boys in my grow. My question is can I assume the rest are girls or are these just early to show? I will have to update when I find my camera


Active Member
I would never assume anything. Statistically it will be a 50/50 percent so keep looking imo.


Active Member
Yea I figured I will update with pics so maybe you guys can tell me if the other ones are def girls or if they aren't showing yet. I think I might've lost my camera at a baseball game still trying to find it.


Active Member
Another question I was messing with the boys and a ball fell off can it still develop and open and infect my females if I don't find it?


Well-Known Member
Basically u shudmt be touchin them that rough to knock a pollen sack off but anyway the others are prob females males tend to show sex about 2 weeks before females in my experience.


Active Member
GEDC1371.jpgThis one I can't tell

These two I def can tell they are male the 3rd one didn't photograph well but it looks the same as these two



Active Member
Another question I was messing with the boys and a ball fell off can it still develop and open and infect my females if I don't find it?
Didn't your mama tell you not to be messing with your boys.....

Honestly though why are the boys around long enough to mess with? If you ain't breeding kill them when they 1st show cause you'd be surprised how fast they can grow balls and pollinate your girls.


Active Member
I just found out they were boys. I was checking them as I do every morning since switching them over to flower and when I moved one of the leaves over I knocked a ball off. Careless on my part I know but I wasn't expecting any to show yet. The males have been killed (sadly) I have no reason to keep them around so I kiil them as soon as I find them. I did not find the ball but took all the plants out of the the closet swept the whole area mopped it then put my plants back in the closet I actually wish I would've checked to see if the ball fell in the soil of the plant it fell off of.