Braiding Tecnique.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!! I had been growing these two girls (Casey Jones & Wild Rose). I had been doing some LST over the past few days on her & just now got her branches down touching the conainer! So I am hoping that where there is "4 cola's, she'll produce 6. I have done this method with a few other strains b4 in my past grows, and had really good sucess! I have yet to do the LST on this strain! So will see what happens!

Ok, on the Casey Jones a good friend on here had told me that she looked alittle floppy. So I got to thinking this just won't do! ;)
So I got to thinking and came up with "Danks Braiding Technique". Haha..
Before I even attempted this technique, which by the way I did a search & didn't see not 1 post for this technique! I have yet to do a search on the net to see if anyone else has done it, or attempted it before! I had took and did "FIM" on her produicing 4 main cola's. I let them get around 4 " or so, then took out my string and went to work! I easly bent the stalks around each other one bt one, while tying in 3 spots up the main stalks. I have NO clue what will happen with her! So I guess I am in for a ride! Haha..
I do believe it will make her super bushy!!
Haha! Now just incase I did come up with a new technique, just remeber that "Dank" did it 1st.. ;) lol

Let me know what you guys think about her/them.. :??:

I also posted this on my other grow thread where I am running 34 strains! I had 36 but 2 passed away on me! Had to go to the little girls b-day party & when I arrived home came to find them fell over.... :(
Oh well, it'll be ok.. :mrgreen:


Ps. My other grow is either located here :

Or in the signature.

Post "was" on the last pg I believe! Unless someone posted making a new pg..

Thanks again.
so what would be the benefits of this in your mind? i like the idea, it just seems you are being counterproductive in spreading the canopy of the plant allowing it to absorb more light energy and in turn produce buds. What is your end game here of is it purely for novelty?
Hahaha! Funny. Well let's see here. I'm sure this technique will force (just like LST) to either bush out, or form one solid innerweaved bud. That was the "purpose". I have really no clue what it will do, bc like said I've never seen it done, and was playing around with this strains since I really didn't like her structure b4 I did the technnique ! And I really don't see how its counterproductive honestly. Well see. I think she looks cool aswell. But hey, that's just me.. and like said, I've NEVER seen anyone do it b4. Have you ? :??:
so what would be the benefits of this in your mind? i like the idea, it just seems you are being counterproductive in spreading the canopy of the plant allowing it to absorb more light energy and in turn produce buds. What is your end game here of is it purely for novelty?
i agree with indigrow, because you would want the canopy as spread out as possible for bud growth. You could be robbing yourself of bud sites by not allowing sunlight into the inside of that braid. I will say it would make a good trophy at the end...good luck
i think its super cool, looks freaky man i love it. i say always try new things, you never know in a few years we could all be doing the "dank braid", love your enthusiasm and willingness to learn new things. let me know how she's doing would love to see more updates as she goes along.
i agree with indigrow, because you would want the canopy as spread out as possible for bud growth. You could be robbing yourself of bud sites by not allowing sunlight into the inside of that braid. I will say it would make a good trophy at the end...good luck

Well, we all will have to see.. haha.. ;) really not to worried about it, being I'm now working with 36 strain other then that 1.. ;)
Thanks bro.. ;) never know.. haha.. I do 2 to 3 updates a day on all my ladies in my grow thread. ;) Link is in the sig if ya wanna check them out...

i think its super cool, looks freaky man i love it. i say always try new things, you never know in a few years we could all be doing the "dank braid", love your enthusiasm and willingness to learn new things. let me know how she's doing would love to see more updates as she goes along.
36 strains wow, awesome, i have some bag seed, no idea what they are, might be 3 diff ones but i'll definately check it out
so what would be the benefits of this in your mind? i like the idea, it just seems you are being counterproductive in spreading the canopy of the plant allowing it to absorb more light energy and in turn produce buds. What is your end game here of is it purely for novelty?
i could'nt have said it better. it boggles my mind. i cant think of one reason of how this would help the grow. seems to me, the plant wouldnt be able to breath or get light in the middle. seems this will make the plant grow str8 up. something alot of growers complain about. you fim and LST, but doin this would defeat both purposes.
i could'nt have said it better. it boggles my mind. i cant think of one reason of how this would help the grow. seems to me, the plant wouldnt be able to breath or get light in the middle. seems this will make the plant grow str8 up. something alot of growers complain about. you fim and LST, but doin this would defeat both purposes.

I really don't see what the big deal is honestly! And how would you know it would defeat anything! :??: have you ever done it :??: Nope!
Ok then. Chillax, and let's just "see" what happens.. Good lord!
And besides, if you have enough "light" going in the 1st place, the plant would be able to get light where needed!
Lol.. if you say have an 800 watt LED overtop, plus a 600 watt HPS system overtop, plus lights "CFL'S along running on the ground for bottom growth", I really don't see a issue!
Any update on the braided MJ...someone was just posting about mainlining some plants and reminded me of this old thread.
Any update on the braided MJ...someone was just posting about mainlining some plants and reminded me of this old thread.

She turned into a huge tree, was during flowering, and damned if a flipping fan didn't fall on her ass! :( I do believe I am going to try this method out again on 1 of her clones I had took of the mess that was left after the crash! Lol
The only reason People braid ficus trees is to make them more valuable...this "tecnique" (sic) will not...youre not even bending the plant to cause the auxins release and I can see the weave damaging bud sites...this is just a stoner idea...pretty goofy...