and the latest blame it on bush. he wont EVER take responsibility for anything. and the lib media plays to him! and im sick of the race card, ALLREADY!! thats what will probably be rubbed in our faces hard, nearing november! all who vote for a new pres, area all rasicsts! and they know better. i dont know why they keep that up. probably cause they have no ligitimate reason to stay in. lets vote out all his buddies, too! and just ask the ohbama supporters, re-elect him based on what accomplishments?? i asked my neighbor that exact qwestion. she looks at me like a deer in the headlights, and after a few seconds, answers...."Dont be a hater, dick". and walks back in her house. a hater??? why, am i hater, just for "qwestioning"!!!? yes! so reallity, and truth will have nothing to do with how the liberals act, or respond. like 5 year old brains in adult bodies. stampin thier lil feet..