Braindead 0bama supporters, wkae up!


Well-Known Member
like 5 year old brains in adult bodies. stampin thier lil feet..
that describes perfectly how whiney pussy republicans like you have been carrying on since obama got elected.

you guys have even taken to voting against your own ideas simply because obama proposes them.



Well-Known Member
"This is my maiden voyage. My first speech since I was the president of the United States and I couldn't think of a better place to give it than Calgary, Canada." --George W. Bush



New Member
ummmm, are you trying to say obama should take responsibility for the economy that bush crashed? :lol:
You whining lefties have been blaming the republican House for the last 1 1/2 years of failure.

The democrats controlled both the House and Senate in 2007,2008,2009, and 2010.
Forgot to mention that little tidbit, didn't you.


Well-Known Member
Can't you morons see the shameful pandering your whore 0bama is pandering too... Been in office 3+ yrs. and right before election he starts pandering to the Mexicans to get their votes, just like he did with all the LGBTS.... 0bama is Jimmi Cater light.... Its time to have change and move on......
so you are voting for romney? and i'm a moron?


Active Member
Yup, they even turned down in Obama's Health care reform proposals he copied from their alternative to (H)Clinton's in the 90's - it is not funny because it is true.
Ever had a nationalised health system? It fucking sucks dude!!! seriously I have had one for 28yrs of the 30 ive been alive...its terrible...the 2yrs i lived in the US were the best healthcare wise by a mile! that includes dental care. Seriously be happy paying for healthcare its worth it. When healthcare is free you wont get treatment until its too late, need an organ transplant...good luck with that and if you do get one your not getting a decent quality organ your getting the reject ones.