Brand new here and looking for help


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am new to being on my own. I grow a few for personal use due to my arthritis as well as cause it is such a pretty thing to grow and they are like children to me taking them from babies to adulthood. I had a neighbor helping me but he has now turned into a big jerk over my property line. Anyways I am now on my own and need help. I grow outside in Vancouver BC I have Northern lights right now they got full sun all summer and now this time of year go under a gazebo with four walls cause of the dew at night. I take the top off in the morning and one side when it is sunny out. They have started to get the combs but I spotted my neighbor's and his is in full combs. We got them at the same time. Excuse me if I don't know all the terms just yet. I have purchased a jewelers loom off ebay as last year he was the one telling me when it was time. I have been using 20-20-20 every week. I am a female if that matters. lol I would love someone local to chat with about this but will take any advice that I can get. Last year I did PK kush as well as one purple kush and they turned out great. I only had one spot that rotted. I will take some pictures for you. I will need to know if I am doing the best for them at this point with the gazebo and such. Thank you for welcoming me and in future for any help from other members.


Well-Known Member
Welcome IHave... to RIU, Pics are always helpful to see where ur @, but since you've grown b4 it sounds like u have some beginner knowledge, gd wishes on ur grow, SHOW UR GIRLS

Rusty Trikes

Well-Known Member
Just make sure they are getting a steady 12/12 (or pretty close) of light and dark under the gazebo. You can back WAY off on the nitrogen; like say 5-15-10 or 10-30-20. And don't go pissing your neighbor off. He might just swipe your crop or worse...


Well-Known Member
Just make sure they are getting a steady 12/12 (or pretty close) of light and dark under the gazebo. You can back WAY off on the nitrogen; like say 5-15-10 or 10-30-20. And don't go pissing your neighbor off. He might just swipe your crop or worse...
but her neighbour has plants too sol i dont think he will be doin anything via police or anything but yeah watch out cause if he knows where they are he could take them o_o

welcone to riu!! i live in BC as well (wont get specific.. thats not allowed here and i don't give out personal info)
put up some pics and we will be glad to help!!
also like rusty said, that is too much nitrogen for flowering.
too much n will give you small buds/colas (thats what i assume you mean by combs?)
im using garden pro superbloom 10-40-25 and i have general hydroponics liquid kool bloom at 0-10-10 (its a bulking formula it says)
buds need phosphorous and potassium to grow.
nitrogen is for the green colour (chlorophyl) and leaves and stems, etc

ask all your questions here and do as much reading up as possible and you will find the answers you are looking for!
try to search up the answer first before posting but if you cant find an answer then we love to help :)
good luck on your grow!!


Active Member
As far as yours being further behind your neighbors plants, I'm dealing with the same thing, indoors and out. Some plants are just slower to flower than others, and it depends on so many things, nutrients, light, etc. I have one outside now who is budding like crazy, the other is lagging far behind, same strain, same amount of sun and nutrients and also same age. They get about 14-15 hours of sun a day. I have found that what triggers flowering in outdoor plants is far more than the amount of light they are getting.

I'm not sure what the weather is like were you are at, but just be careful if it starts getting to cold for them. You might have to harvest early or continue budding in doors in front of a window if they are in pots. Last year we did not have a fall season, went straight into a blizzard the first day of fall.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that times of flowering are extremely strain dependent. I've got plants that flowered almost a month later than most of my others. Funny thing though, the late flowering plants are packing on buds a lot faster and thicker than the others, probably again because of the strain.


Well-Known Member
Ok well the neighbor thing turned into a screaming match today so first thing tomorrow a lock goes on my gate. That aside I won't give them anymore 20-20-20. I know he was using organic stuff but I can't remember what or from where. Do I need food for them still? I make sure my porch light isn't even on at night but another neighbor (not A hole) does put theirs on. My gazebo has white walls and 2 have small windows in the middle. I will take a picture of it tomorrow. I have no idea how to load pictures on here.


Well-Known Member
Ok so this morning when I went out to take the roof off I noticed that there is moister on the inside of the roof. Is this ok? I would love to have them out in the open like I did all summer but with the property issues that i am having with my neighbor I worry he will be getting someone from the city to survey our lots. This week is going to be in the high 20's and at night it says 16. I am not worried about them getting cold at night just yet but if it comes to that I have a ceramic heater that I can put out there for them. As far as I know they are not auto flowering is that what it is called? I have no idea what all the terms are. I forget when I bought them. I know that I planted seeds of my warrior May 25th and she is just about done. I only have one of her. I will take some close up pictures but still have to figure out how to post them. Ok so my questions now are when should I feed and if I do what should I feed them? They got their last 20-20-20 a few days before I joined here. I was told no more of that it is to much for them. I have no idea how much sun they are getting but it is more then what they would be if I was to put them in my garage as I don't have a light. I just want them to hurry up so the neighbor issues wont get them taken away.


Well-Known Member
That was taken September 5th. i will get close up shots during the day tomorrow and I just got my loom in the mail today so I will try and use it and get shots of the tricomes.


Well-Known Member
Ok the 4 of them are Northern lights and the one that looks odd I was told was Early Wonder Skunk - Solar Warrior. I think that one is just about ready.


Well-Known Member
Got a closer shot? And is the gazebo blocking the light? Is there any chance you can finish them indoors?


Active Member
I was thinking indoors myself, but she said they are 5'. They probably need alot of space and lighting at that size right?


Well-Known Member
Ok I am going out to take better pictures. Close ups. The top of the gazebo goes off and they get lost of light during the day. Ok give me a bit.