Brand new setup...


Well-Known Member
yes, we have power problems here for many reasons. I would hate to lose my grow due to a power outage or have a spike come through the line and blow the ballast or lights. So I use them to condition the power coming in to my grow room and provide temporary power while we have any power problems..


Well-Known Member
is that dangerous with a hot restrike time of like 10 mins for a hid bulb? just qerious?
Thats the point, i dont want to do that to the light. I want to run it on battery power until the power comes back on. But to answer your question directly, I dont think it will hurt the bulb but then again this is the first setup so i will keep you all informed if there is any damage done to "Cid's Power Grid".:mrgreen: :joint:


Well-Known Member
not if the time between the time the power goes out and the time your batt kicks in then no i wouldnt think there would be a prob but ive never used a good batt backup. the 1200w backup my friend has for his security lights has a little lag split second tho so it wouldnt work for grow lights cause the bulb would go out before the batt kicked in i would figure.


hey buddy, i'm sorry i've missed this grow until now, a nice little setup you got there!!!

just a couple things i wanted to point out though...

1) your venting... i strongly suggest you switch your intake to the bottom and the squirrel cage to the top of the room... reasoning: the air you are pulling in is from the outside room... and well, i'm sure we all know hot air rises and cold air sinks - so the air you are bringing in from the outside room is from the hotter part of that room... you want to bring in the cooler air in the bottom of the room... and thusly, in the grow room, the heat is going to rise to the top of the room naturally and having the squirrel fan up there prevents you from essentially dragging all the hot air from the top down through the plants to the bottom where the squirrel cage is... instead you want to be dragging the cooler air from the outside room UP through the plants to the top.... get what i'm saying?

2) i think thats your ballast you have at the bottom... i would suggest making a platforom higher up in the room... reasons: any water that spills might go down there! AH! also, if you change the venting to how i suggest above, having the ballast close to the squirrel fan will help ventilate all that heat it produces

besdies that... i must say! i'm quite jealous at the grow room you've made!!! it's gonna turn into a pot-producing machine!!!

oh, another suggestion... maybe make a compartment in the bottom that you can start clones in (maybe light with some cfls or floro tubes if you have the space) that way, you can set up a continous harvest type deal, and never worry about running out of bud...

if any of that doesn't quite make sense, let me know and i'll try and explain better... i just smoked a blunt, so, you know...

best of luck!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey buddy, i'm sorry i've missed this grow until now, a nice little setup you got there!!!

just a couple things i wanted to point out though...

1) your venting... i strongly suggest you switch your intake to the bottom and the squirrel cage to the top of the room... reasoning: the air you are pulling in is from the outside room... and well, i'm sure we all know hot air rises and cold air sinks - so the air you are bringing in from the outside room is from the hotter part of that room... you want to bring in the cooler air in the bottom of the room... and thusly, in the grow room, the heat is going to rise to the top of the room naturally and having the squirrel fan up there prevents you from essentially dragging all the hot air from the top down through the plants to the bottom where the squirrel cage is... instead you want to be dragging the cooler air from the outside room UP through the plants to the top.... get what i'm saying?

2) i think thats your ballast you have at the bottom... i would suggest making a platforom higher up in the room... reasons: any water that spills might go down there! AH! also, if you change the venting to how i suggest above, having the ballast close to the squirrel fan will help ventilate all that heat it produces

besdies that... i must say! i'm quite jealous at the grow room you've made!!! it's gonna turn into a pot-producing machine!!!

oh, another suggestion... maybe make a compartment in the bottom that you can start clones in (maybe light with some cfls or floro tubes if you have the space) that way, you can set up a continous harvest type deal, and never worry about running out of bud...

if any of that doesn't quite make sense, let me know and i'll try and explain better... i just smoked a blunt, so, you know...

best of luck!!!!
Lumberjack, Thanx for spending a lot of time on your post! I appreciate that! I always like to read about how I can improve my setup and help others. So out of respect for my fellow stoners out there i want to answer each of your ideas directly

1) my venting ... yes I know it isnt the most efficient setup but my 12" desk fan mounted to the wall keeps the room at a constant 82-87F and good circulation so far. I also am trying to figure a good way to get the sqrl fan up to the ceiling area to pull the hot air from the top as you and others have suggested.
2) Yes the ballast and the PowerCom 1500 will be placed on a raised little platform underneath the APC500A. I have yet to make that . I was too anxious to "get a growin" if ya know what I mean :weed: .

As for your suggestion of putting a little cloning section in underneath. How do you think I could make that a reality? I have thought about it but im not sure how i could make it work. If your willing to help a brotha out Ill take some good pics and measurements of that area and maybe you could offer up a solution? Id be anxious to hear your thoughts on that idea.:hump:
Thanx for staying tuned to "Cidlys Grow Shack"!


well to get the fan to the top, screw in a couple of hook screws, take some smaller bungee cords, and loop them through the handle of your blower and connect to the hooks... the bungee will help cut down on vibrations and noise perceptable to the outside...

and yeah, i got some time to kill and a joint, i'll draw up something rough to show you what i mean about the cloning too... yeah some measurements would help a lot!


Well-Known Member
first off I'd like too say nice size room you have there,,as for a little concern I have for you,,your exhaust is hooked up to a bathroom vent pipe system I believe,,you should be very careful that the fan running the exhaust doesn't ever give out,,or power failure or whatever,,because it looks as though you are very low in the ground,,so I am assuming a basement,methane gas vents through your bathroom pipes,,,and is very flammable,,,and really stinks otherwise,,,just a suggestion for your own health and safety bro,,you shoud try and get your flex hose attached a little higher in the system

Keep on Growin:joint:



ok so basically, your gonna seperate a compartment thats maybe 1/3 or 1/2 of what the bottom area is now... so you'll still be left with storage space...

once you have it sectioned off, i would suggest throwing up some panda plastic (the black and white poly) to make it completely light tight against the upper area... don't want any light leaking into the flowering girls above ya know!

and basically, for lighting i would use a couple 4ft shoplights (each holding 2 four ft t12 floro tubes) if you have the room to fit them in there, and if not, then you can use some cool spectrum cfls also....

now, your still gonna need to vent the clone room... but a couple strong computer fans hooked up to some short tubing for both the intake and outake will take care of that...

then you just need a little propagator in there... and i'll leave the cloning methods to you... but that'll give you a nice place to do it in...


Well-Known Member

ok so basically, your gonna seperate a compartment thats maybe 1/3 or 1/2 of what the bottom area is now... so you'll still be left with storage space...

once you have it sectioned off, i would suggest throwing up some panda plastic (the black and white poly) to make it completely light tight against the upper area... don't want any light leaking into the flowering girls above ya know!

and basically, for lighting i would use a couple 4ft shoplights (each holding 2 four ft t12 floro tubes) if you have the room to fit them in there, and if not, then you can use some cool spectrum cfls also....

now, your still gonna need to vent the clone room... but a couple strong computer fans hooked up to some short tubing for both the intake and outake will take care of that...

then you just need a little propagator in there... and i'll leave the cloning methods to you... but that'll give you a nice place to do it in...
Lumber... you are the MAN! Thanks bro... I have the measurements and see if these could work. Im a lil nervous that i wont have the verticle space i need. The room is 20.5" high x 48" wide x 4'3" deep. do you think i can grow in that limited amount of space? Can I top the plants from getting to tall. Im not sure I know how to do this type of grow.


Active Member
to clone, you want to cut a healthy stem from the mothers at a 45 degree angle. cut it in half vertically about an half-inch to an inch. then carefully scrap the outside "bark" , dip it in rooting powder and stick into a rock wool cube. some people let them veg for a week to catch root and others put them straight into flowering. its up to you.

good luck, killer setup!



Well-Known Member
yeah what you can do it mount some 4ft fluoro shoplights at the very top of the bottom rooms... and yeah you could probably keep 1 or 2 bonsai moms ( and plenty of clones it there...

you could be putting out a few ounces every couple of weeks if you do this right...
Im not sure about the whole bonzai mother idea.. i have a lot to read first.:blsmoke: I did however take your idea and I took 4 clones from my other outside grow and put them in rooting powder and then planted them in my grow to see if i cant increase my yeild and absorb the loss of the other seeds. Check it out and let me know what you think. I hope I did it right.



Well-Known Member
to clone, you want to cut a healthy stem from the mothers at a 45 degree angle. cut it in half vertically about an half-inch to an inch. then carefully scrap the outside "bark" , dip it in rooting powder and stick into a rock wool cube. some people let them veg for a week to catch root and others put them straight into flowering. its up to you.

good luck, killer setup!

Hey Ghost... Thanks for the tip.. i used it when i just now took my clones. These are the first i have ever done so keep up with my grow and lets see if I have the green thumb I hope I have.:roll:


some people have problems cloning into soil
but then again, some people have problems cloning in general... lol

make sure you keep the soil moist but never -wet- and it might take a week or two before you see new growth.. as long as it looks like its not dying though your on the right track