Brand new setup...


Well-Known Member
some people have problems cloning into soil
but then again, some people have problems cloning in general... lol

make sure you keep the soil moist but never -wet- and it might take a week or two before you see new growth.. as long as it looks like its not dying though your on the right track
Lumber... yea the clones i took yesterday are looking GREAT today.. i planted them in a peat moss then put that into the actual planter. I then took a 10" plastic potting dish that goes under the actual pot to catch water etc. and placed it on the pot as a lid after i sprayed the plant and the plastic top with bottled water so it would have enough water to feed on while the roots grow. I placed them under my lights to allow condensation and moisture to stay inside. Last night they were some sad dying plants.. but today they have all perked right up and i believe they are going to live! I also took the last of my earlt misty seeds and began to germinate them (in paper towel this time). Ill keep you all informed of that project as well. Stay Tuned to "Cidlys Grow Shack".



Lumber... yea the clones i took yesterday are looking GREAT today.. i planted them in a peat moss then put that into the actual planter. I then took a 10" plastic potting dish that goes under the actual pot to catch water etc. and placed it on the pot as a lid after i sprayed the plant and the plastic top with bottled water so it would have enough water to feed on while the roots grow. I placed them under my lights to allow condensation and moisture to stay inside. Last night they were some sad dying plants.. but today they have all perked right up and i believe they are going to live! I also took the last of my earlt misty seeds and began to germinate them (in paper towel this time). Ill keep you all informed of that project as well. Stay Tuned to "Cidlys Grow Shack".
good to hear its all working out...
keep paying close attention to your plants!

best of luck!!!


Just some idiot
Nice Cidly, I'm about to take some clones myself...first time for me I never did it in the past.....any pointers that I need to do this. I have read up on it a lot but making that first cut scares Glad to see that yours are doing well.


Well-Known Member
Nice Cidly, I'm about to take some clones myself...first time for me I never did it in the past.....any pointers that I need to do this. I have read up on it a lot but making that first cut scares Glad to see that yours are doing well.
Yea I can help sure... I can only really share with you my experience over the last two days though.
The first thing I did was to gather all my supplies for the cloning:
- clean SHARP knife or razor
- bottle of alcohol
- rooting powder
- clear plastic tops (explained below)
- pots and soil mixed with pea pebbles and lava rock
I assembled all of them right next to my mother plant and then selected clone branch. I chose one off the bottom since i have never done this before i didnt want to fuck up my mother plant who is looking awesome i might add:hump: I cut at 45 degree angle and I use the tip by Ghost-tsohG (he wrote this on page 5 of this log)
" want to cut a healthy stem from the mothers at a 45 degree angle. cut it in half vertically about an half-inch to an inch. then carefully scrap the outside "bark" , dip it in rooting powder and stick into a rock wool cube. some people let them veg for a week to catch root and others put them straight into flowering..."

I immediately put in rooting powder, this is an especially important i found. The plant will get air in the stalk so plant it as fast as possible. NOTE: If you dont plant it fast enough the plany will almost immediatly begin to wilt.... DONT THROW IT AWAY you have not failed, keep reading.
Have all your items for the cloning ready and all in an "assembly" line to keep the stalk out of the regular air as short a time as possible. When you get it cut, powdered and planted, use some sort of tupperware or the cheap clear plastic domes you get at Home Depo or any nursery to use as a small greenhouse. Spray the plant, the inside of the top and the top of the soil with a good spray bottle with water. You do this to help increase the humidity within the temporary green house. cover completely with the clear plastic "top". Place these under your lights to create condensation on the inside of the dome top. At this point the plants have no root system and they have to get nurishment through the leaves. So the more humid and damp you can make it in the dome the better for the clone. I spray mine with water every couple hours to assure they are getting the moisure they need until the root system develops, and from what I am reading that is about a week or so. In a few hours your clones will perk back up and begin to do what they do... grow and find a water source by sending out roots.
I hope I have helped you and I wish you the best of luck. Keep me up to date with the project!


Well-Known Member
"Cloning" is the process of taking a cutting off of a growing plant and rooting it to make a new and separate plant based on the exact same genetic material as the parent, potentially turning a single plant into hundreds or even thousands of identical copies. Here we will talk about the actual process of cloning as opposed to growing from seed. The clones should be taken from a plant that is healthy, and in the throes of vigorous growth. If they are taken from a sickly plant, they may live, but will be slow to get going, and will probably never reach their full potential.​

[SIZE=+0]Look at your plant. Note that on the lower branches, the nodes are arranged opposite one another on the branch. This is an sign of the early growth stage of the plant. When later nodes come out they are alternating in pattern, which indicates the beginning of the plant's sexually mature state.
Take your cuttings from the lowermost branches, taking only the branches from opposite nodes. These cuttings will work the best because the early node configuration makes them more prone to vegging like a young plant.


Use a sharp knife or razor blade to reduce injury to the parent plant. Dip the cutting tool in rubbing alcohol or a mixture of one part bleach and nine parts water to prevent transmitting diseases from infected plant parts to healthy ones. Remove flowers and buds from cuttings to allow the cutting to use its energy and stored carbohydrates for root and shoot formation rather than for fruit and seed production.
[SIZE=+0][/SIZE][SIZE=+0]To hasten rooting, increase the number of roots, or to obtain uniform rooting except on soft fleshy stems, use a rooting hormone that preferably contains a fungicide.
Fill a glass with distilled water. Leave the cuttings in the glass to prevent blockage of the transpiration hole with an air bubble until you are ready to treat and place them in the medium. Just a note, longer clones are easier to start, and get growing in a shorter time.

Detach a 4 to 6 inch piece of stem, including the terminal bud. Make the cut just below a node. Remove lower leaves that would touch or be below the medium.
[SIZE=+0]Dip the stem in rooting hormone if desired. Gently tap the end of the cutting to remove excess hormone. Gel-based rooting compounds work well, and keep the cutting from drying out while roots are being produced.

Insert cuttings into a rooting medium, such as coarse sand, vermiculite, soil, rockwool, or a mixture of peat and perlite. The cutting must ber deep enough in the medium to support itself.
It is important to choose the correct rooting medium to get optimum rooting in the shortest time. In general, the rooting medium should be sterile, low in fertility, drain well enough to provide oxygen and retain enough moisture to prevent water stress. Moisten the medium before inserting cuttings and keep it evenly moist while cuttings are rooting and forming new shoots. [SIZE=+0]
Put them in a greenhouse or (if you don't have a greenhouse) a watertight plastic dome tray and mist the inside of the dome daily, keep under fluoros until they are rooted. Occasionally open the lid and let fresh air into the dome if you are using one, to help the cuttings exchange gases and help prevent mold. It's common sense that since the plant has no means of water intake it will lose moisture through


the leaves, so you must reduce moisture loss by keeping the humidity high until roots start growing from the nodes below ground level. When you open the dome to exchange air, mist the INSIDE walls of the transparent part, and soak the floor of the tray. Do not mist the leaves, as this can cause yellowing. This method provides a very humid environment for the clones, facillitating the rooting process. The cuttings get a good start, and that makes it easy for the beginner to use.


Well-Known Member
I see how all the info could help, but its not that serious. Its actually very easy as long as you have the right materials. GL on the clones.


Just some idiot
Hey thanks Cidly, I've been told it's easy but you know that first cut is gonna kill Hope your grow goes well...


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone Thanks for tuning in to another version of Cidly's Grow Shack:clap: I am REALLY HIGH right now so please excuse me if this is a little scattered in thought. I bought a FAT bag o' Buds; yes I know; i bought them I did it though until my grow is complete. They are nothing but golfball sized nuggets. It is some of the best bud I have ever had. Amazing
Well i have some great news on the grow goes. I have officially sprouted 4 Early Misty's and have taken 4 clones from a Bag Seed mother and I have kept them alive. Heck Yea. I thought they would never make it but I took the domes off today and the clones are going to make it with out spraying/misting them at all. I have been using mineral water for misting and a mix of all organic mixture for regular watering.
Hey ill tell ya what.. why dont I go do a couple bongs, relax and watch "Human Weapon" and you guys can take a look at the pics I have included. I will write more tomorrow but i am too high right now. Peace!



Well-Known Member
Good stuff man, your indoor op. is really coming along. Still got a long way to go so ill stay tuned. I could use some golf ball sized nugs right now, im smoking resin at the moment.:spew:


Well-Known Member
Good stuff man, your indoor op. is really coming along. Still got a long way to go so ill stay tuned. I could use some golf ball sized nugs right now, im smoking resin at the moment.:spew:
Not sure if this helps but Ill pull a few tubes for you ;) *Buzz by ESP*? I got some nugs id love to share with all of you (except the 5 O hanging around in here. *You know who you are*:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
LOL everything is looking good. Your clones look great. I hope the EM works for you. Your outdoor plants look beutiful. Please keep us posted.:peace: :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Cid, I read up on your grow and dude, I don't think your grow is impressive! I don't think you have anything to be worried about. For a first grow, it's obvious you planned well and read up on how to grow.

You had posted a question ealier about flowering with the MH bulb. I have the same issue currently. The cheapest conversion bulb I found was about $50 and most of the better grow bulbs run about $100. For $100, I might as well spend a few more dollars and get a whole seperate HPS system. For that, I will need 2 separate grow areas, either in my grow box or somewhere else in the house. I could use the MH to keep the moms (although CFLs would suffice too) going and the HPS to flower. I definitely recommend one way or the other that you flower using a HPS and not the MH.

I will be following your grow closely. Good luck!


Cid, I read up on your grow and dude, I don't think your grow is impressive! I don't think you have anything to be worried about. For a first grow, it's obvious you planned well and read up on how to grow.

You had posted a question ealier about flowering with the MH bulb. I have the same issue currently. The cheapest conversion bulb I found was about $50 and most of the better grow bulbs run about $100. For $100, I might as well spend a few more dollars and get a whole seperate HPS system. For that, I will need 2 separate grow areas, either in my grow box or somewhere else in the house. I could use the MH to keep the moms (although CFLs would suffice too) going and the HPS to flower. I definitely recommend one way or the other that you flower using a HPS and not the MH.

I will be following your grow closely. Good luck!

i think you meant to say it "DOES" look impressive... lol, atleast i think so... way more advanced then when i started my first grow!

and if either of you do get another light setup for hps, and don't have the room for two rooms... you could always just flower with both for a lot of fullspectrum lighting!!!

good luck all!


Well-Known Member
He wrote the same thing in his journal too, I thought it was a typo also, but two typos in different posts?I think he was j/k, but IDK. I think your setup is awsome. But to each there own.


Well-Known Member
Cid, I read up on your grow and dude, I don't think your grow is impressive! I don't think you have anything to be worried about. For a first grow, it's obvious you planned well and read up on how to grow.

You had posted a question ealier about flowering with the MH bulb. I have the same issue currently. The cheapest conversion bulb I found was about $50 and most of the better grow bulbs run about $100. For $100, I might as well spend a few more dollars and get a whole seperate HPS system. For that, I will need 2 separate grow areas, either in my grow box or somewhere else in the house. I could use the MH to keep the moms (although CFLs would suffice too) going and the HPS to flower. I definitely recommend one way or the other that you flower using a HPS and not the MH.

I will be following your grow closely. Good luck!
I have a 400W grow system... here check it out. 400 WATT GROW LIGHT SYSTEM it has a HPS that i am going to use in about 4-5 weeks.

I am thinking about getting a second one to have 800W. I am only thinking about this because a couple of the outer plants are leaning to get the light. I only have 10 plants going 4 are females for sure taken from a mother plant in my outside lady. IDK.. Ill take some pics and let you all check them out tomorrow. I also have a small disaster story that almost killed all my plants...