Brand New To Growing


Hey, k so this is how it is. Me and a friend are looking to grow about 5 plants next summer. I have literally no knowledge in growing plants, all i know is we want to end up with great weed. The summer season is short here for i live Saskatchewan, Canada. I need advice on; a good plant to grow as an extreme first timer, a plant that buds quickly, and has a decent yield. Although as a first timer the yield isnt as important as growing a real nice plant.
-Ped :leaf:


Well-Known Member
start with soil, do some digging and research on that... if you're planning on an indoor grow, get yourself a 600w digital ballast.. cant go wrong with that light, ever.. the light will be your biggest expense, get that out of the way.. dont go smaller, you may end up upgrading down the road.. no need to go bigger, you can always get another digi 600.. I think thats the best light on the market and you get plenty of bang out of it..

best of luck...


We will be growing outside, most definitely. There is a chance we can start indoors, but not planning on it at all. The weather will be average most summer as in it will be about 15-20 degress celsius most of the time but will get up to 35 for sure. It will rain a decent amount
-Ped :leaf:


Active Member
Try Early Queen from Mr Nice Seeds. Going to give it a try next year. Good to have one garanteed early crop. Sensi Seeds have some early finnishers as well.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Yea anything that says 7-8 weeks flowering time is what you want to be shooting for. Also there's a lot of factors in outdoor growing, A LOT. So if you want to end up harvesting 5 plants i would start with 15. Seems high but there's so much that can go wrong especially when your new and your not aware of these issues. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Hi Ped! if ur goin outdoors or indoors your first worries are gentics, dont go low quality or bagseed my man, get some decent strain that u and ur peeps will dig(recommend a well known distibuter also, dont get jipped). once u got ur favored flavors get urself some decent goin soil, u can get that just about anywhere, hydro shop, garden center, internet, ECT... but once u have those two, its just readin until ur eyes bleed to get that harvest that your shooting for, but even at that, dont shoot too high. alot of shit CAN go wrong, bugs, temps, WHO knows, but u wanna be prepared thats for sure.

OH, and a few things u can look at as an outdoor grower in genetics range u might be interested in is auto-flowering girls! great way to keep aan outdoor perpetual grow right there.

just a couple pennies.


Thanks guys, the 7-8 week information definitely helped, i looked at seeds even with 6-7, the auto-flowering is something ive been looking at too. And of course ill be buying fully feminized seeds so as to not fuck around.
And thanks fuzzy, I definitely plan on not skimping on buying seeds. Also the whole point of the operation is to be growing rank good weed.
This wont be the last of my posts or threads as ill need help later on as well as ill be making a journal for this site when we do start.
-Ped :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'll add a tidbit for a newb growin' outdoors....spiders are your friend...preying mantis' are also good friends...they will keep most bugs controlled...hth